* Who's Who in Genoa City: Billy Abbott | The Young and the Restless on Soap Central
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William Foster Abbott
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Actor History
Katrin and Margret Ingimarsdottir
July to August 1993; recurring
Brett Sherman
August to November 1993; recurring
Shane Silver
December 1993 to August 1995; recurring
Blake Pontello
1994 to 1995; recurring
Josh Michael Rose
July 1995 to June 1996; recurring
Scotty Leavenworth
1996 to 1998; recurring
Scott Seymour
Burgess Jenkins
January 14, 2016 to Present; contract

Born July 4, 1993

Returned from his New York City boarding school in 1999 and was said to be 16

Was said to be “over 40” in summer of 2018

Other Names

Goes by Billy Abbott

Jim (nickname by Victoria, referring to Jim Anderson of the TV sitcom 'Father Knows Best')

Sonny Crawford (online alias)

Liam (surfer alias with Amber in L.A. and with Chelsea in Myanmar)

"Billy-Boy" (nickname by Victor)

Liam Cranner (alias)

Cell Phone Number

262 555-3310


COO of Chancellor division of Chancellor-Winters under CEO Lily

Does podcast “The Grinning Soul”

Formerly co-leader partner of Chancellor Communications, (ChancComm) with Lily Winters

Former mergers and acquisitions consultant for Magruder International, Chicago

Former Co-CEO of Jabot Cosmetics with Kyle

Former marketing executive at Jabot Cosmetics

Former CEO of Jabot Cosmetics

Former Co-CEO of Chancellor Industries with Cane

Former executive at Brash & Sassy while solely owned by Victoria

Former Co-CEO of Chancellor Brash & Sassy division with Cane and Victoria

Former owner of Brash & Sassy

Fired from unnamed position with Jabot Cosmetics

Former vice president of research and development at Jabot Cosmetics

Former vice president of research and development at Newman-Abbott

Former vice president of marketing at Jabot Cosmetics

Jabot board member

Temporarily headed Jabot Face of Fashion in Neil's absence

Former head of research and development at Jabot Cosmetics

Former owner of On the Boulevard restaurant

Director of "The Delia Project"

Briefly executive at Jabot Cosmetics

Briefly Co-CEO of Newman Enterprises

Briefly worked for Jack as an executive at Newman Enterprises

Former owner/editor of Restless Style magazine/webzine/TV gossip show

Former Co-CEO of Jabot Cosmetics

Former CEO of Jabot Cosmetics

Former Jabot director of Marketing

Former NVP/Jabot liaison for House of Kim, Hong Kong

Former business major at Genoa City University

Worked part-time in the mail room at Jabot Cosmetics

Former bartender at Sammy Seagull's Sandpit Bar & Grill in Miami

Worked with hurricane Katrina reconstruction in New Orleans

Attended one semester at Genoa City University while working part-time at the Glo By Jabot Boutique

Spent the summer after high school as a volunteer building houses for the poor in Louisiana

Graduate of Walnut Grove Academy

Former "Glo By Jabot Kid" for Jabot Cosmetics

Attended boarding school in New York City


340 E. Chestnut, Apt. 504 with Lily Winters

Marital Status

In a committed relationship, lives with Lily Winters

Past Marriages

Mackenzie Browning [Married: Jun 23, 2003; annulled: Jun 24, 2003]

Chloe Mitchell [Married: Apr 3, 2009; divorced: Nov 9, 2009]

Victoria Newman [Married: May 14, 2010-invalid] [Married: May 14, 2010; invalid; married: Sep 9, 2010; divorced Nov 28, 2011; remarried: Dec 24, 2011 (televised Dec 26); divorced Sept 9, 2014; recommitment ceremony 2019, but split up 2020]


Jill Foster (mother)

John Abbott (father, deceased)

Paternal grandmother, name unknown)

Robert Abbott (paternal grandfather, deceased)

Elizabeth Foster (grandmother, via his mother's adoption; deceased)

William Foster (grandfather, via his mother's adoption; deceased)

Unknown name (biological grandmother)

Neil Fenmore (biological grandfather; deceased)

Jack Abbott (paternal half-brother)

Ashley Abbott (thinks she is his half-sister, but not John's daughter)

Traci Abbott (paternal half-sister)

Phillip Chancellor III (maternal half-brother)

Lauren Fenmore (maternal aunt)

Greg Foster (uncle; via his mother's adoption)

William “Snapper” Foster (uncle, via his mother's adoption)

Fenmore Baldwin (maternal cousin)

Scott Grainger Jr. (maternal cousin)

Jennifer Elizabeth Foster (cousin, via his mother's adoption)

Pierre Charles Roulland (cousin, via his mother's adoption)

Keemo Volien Abbott (nephew son of Jack; deceased in his late 40s)

Allie Nguyen (grand-niece; daughter of Keemo)

Kyle Jenkins Abbott (nephew)

Colleen Cecile Carlton (niece; deceased)

Abby Newman (grew up thinking she was his niece)

Phillip “Chance” Chancellor IV (nephew)


Cordelia Katherine Valentine Abbott (daughter born Feb 14, 2009; with Chloe; deceased Oct 14, 2013)

Miscarriage (with Victoria, Oct 2010)

Lucy Carter (illegally adopted daughter born Jan 3, 2011; child of Daisy Carter and Daniel Romalotti, adoption was reversed)

John "Johnny" Abbott (son with Chelsea; born Apr 9, 2012; adopted by Victoria)

Katherine "Katie" Rose Abbott (daughter with Victoria; born Nov 17, 2014)

Dominic Phillip Newman Abbott Winters Chancellor (grand-nephew; son of Abby and Chance with sperm donation of Devon)


Keely (shaggy male dog, stayed with Victoria)

Dash (terrier dog, belonged to Delia)

Flings & Affairs

Sandy Bernard (kindergarten crush, kissed)

Brittany Hodges (lovers)

Mackenzie Browning

Several flings and affairs while working in Hong Kong

Chloe Mitchell (lovers)

Amber Moore (lovers)

Lily Winters

Sharon Abbott (lovers)

Heather Stevens (lovers)

Victoria Newman (lovers)

Chelsea Lawson (one night stand, 2011)

Kelly Andrews (one night stand)

Chelsea Lawson (lovers, 2014, 2015, engagement broken)

Phyllis Abbott (lovers, 2016)

Bethany Bryant (lovers, 2016)

Phyllis Summers (lovers, 2017-2018)

Summer Newman (one-night stand 2018)

Lily Winters lovers, 2020)

Crimes Committed

Underage drinking; charges were dropped

Stole and pawned an antique scrimshaw from the Chancellor estate - Kay agreed not to press charges when the Abbotts shipped him off to Hong Kong instead

Jailed for not revealing a journalism source

Bought black-market baby, adoption was reversed, no charges filed to date

Arrested for solicitation

Arrested and imprisoned in Myanmar for illegal drug trafficking; he was setup, got released by Victor

Accused of rape in Myanmar by Chelsea Lawson; she drugged him, and took advantage of him

Shot Adam Newman during a struggle over his own gun; Adam later exonerated him by claiming it was not intentional

Arrested for drunk-driving [Dec 2015]

Embezzled money from Jabot; no charges filed [2018]

Stole a car and smashed it up attempting to run over Adam Newman [2019]; never reported

Arrested for intentional second degree homicide [2020]; framed exonerated

Health and Vitals

Became an alcoholic as a teenager

Drank until passed out in the snow, hospitalized and went into cardiac arrest (2000)

Hospitalized after wrecking his car drunk in reaction to losing both Lucy and Delia (2011)

Bone marrow transplant donated to save Delia [2011]

Injured in a car crash; concussion [Jan 2014]

Reinjured when chandelier fell on his head and kicked in the ribs; broken ribs [Feb 2014]

Spinal injuries, trauma to his skull; surgery left him in a coma [Dec 2015]

Suffered from delusions, insomnia and sleep-walking [Aug 2019]; therapy for dissociative fugue

Brief Character History

Shortly after her second marriage to John Abbot, Jill wanted to have a baby, though John felt that he was too old. But Jill managed to get pregnant, and John insisted she have an abortion while he got a vasectomy. Jill couldn't do it, and gave birth to William "Billy" Foster Abbott, whom John eventually accepted and came to love. Jill's affair with Jed Sanders, due to John's later impotency, caused their second divorce, which resulted in a bitter custody battle over Billy and a stroke for John. Billy grew up in Genoa City with his best friend Raul Guittierez, enjoying sports and Boy Scouts, and received very little attention from his mother Jill. Once John recovered from his stroke, he and Billy moved to New York City where Billy went to boarding school.

John and Billy returned to Genoa City in time for his sophomore year of high school. Raul, Brittany Hodges, Mackenzie Browning, J.T. Hellstrom, Rianna Miner, and Billy were friends as they attended Walnut Grove Academy. Billy bragged of his experience in New York City with drinking, partying, and girls. Billy began dating snobby rich girl, Brittany Hodges. One evening, J.T., another expert partier, invited everyone to a party at a house at which he was house-sitting. Raul showed up in time to save his best friend Billy's life when Billy suffered alcohol poisoning and collapsed in the snow, as neither Brittany nor J.T. were willing to call 9-1-1 and risk getting themselves in trouble. At that time, Mackenzie and Billy did not get along at all. But she stayed at his bedside and prayed that he would be all right. That was the start of what became thier high school romance.

Billy swore off alcohol after his near-death experience. Billy and Brittany were supposed to be a shoe-in for king and queen of the junior prom, but when the votes were counted, Billy and Mac were crowned instead. Only then, when they danced together at the prom, did they realize how much they cared about each other. Unfortunately Jill noticed, much to her horror, that her son could be smitten with Katherine Chancellor's granddaughter. Billy showed up later at the Chancellor estate, where he and Mac told each other how they felt about each other and kissed. Jill began threatening to find runaway Mac's mother if she became involved with Billy. So Mac and Billy began meeting in secret in the Abbott children's old playhouse. He gave her an opal ring to seal their love.

Billy, Brittany, Raul, and Rianna were chosen as the Glo by Jabot Kids as a promotion for the new Jabot teen line. Mac assisted Phyllis Summers running the website featuring the kids. Brittany discovered that Billy was involved with Mac, so arranged for Mac to walk in on her and Billy "making love." Billy was drugged and Britt was faking it, but Mac believed what she saw and it broke her heart. Billy tried to defend himself, but couldn't remember what had happened.

J.T exposed that it was set up for Mac to see, but no one realized that Billy had been drugged. Brittany felt hurt, but eventually took Billy back. Raul realized that Mac was no longer interested in him and split up with her, moving on to Rianna. Mac and Billy began being drawn to each other again, but it wasn't until Jack arranged for Billy and Mac to be trapped in an elevator at Jabot that they realized that they truly belonged together. Although Billy did his best to be a jerk to turn Mac away "for her own good," they eventually reconciled and became a couple again. Jill made peace with it, once she realized what a bad choice Britt had been for Billy.

Things went fine for Billy and Mac for several months. He helped her to admit that she had run away from St. Louis because her stepfather Ralph had molested her, and her mother refused to believe it. Senior year began, and a holiday series of the Glo by Jabot website added J.T. and Mac to the Glow Kids. The format changed to Jabot where a boutique opened which was run by the kids. Billy's niece, Colleen, was falling into drugs and hanging with the wrong kids in New York City, so she was banished to her grandfather John's in Genoa City. Billy helped his father by keeping an eye on her at school.

After the holidays, Billy realized that he was ready for more from his relationship with Mackenzie. When he shared his feelings with her, he tried to avoid pressuring her, but he couldn't accept her insistence that she was not ready and needed to wait. As a result, the two of them broke up but stayed friends. Then Mac's stepfather, Ralph, showed up in Genoa City and began stalking her. He coerced Mac's mom, Amanda, into helping him steal from the Chancellor Estate. Amanda let him into the mansion while everyone was at the prom, but Mac returned home unexpectedly and, much to her horror, was met by Ralph.

Billy arrived as Ralph was about to molest Mac again, confronted Ralph, and whacked Ralph over the head with a fireplace poker. Thinking he had killed Ralph, Billy took Mac to hide out at their special place, the old Abbott playhouse. Thinking they were doomed, Billy and Mac realized they still loved each other. Ralph kidnapped Katherine after she returned from chaperoning the prom, and tied her up in a motel room. Ralph, disguised as a cop, talked Raul into telling him places where he might find Billy and Mac. Meanwhile Larry Warton found and rescued Kay.

Ralph showed up at the playhouse after the kids had left, but found them at a campsite where Raul and Billy had played as kids. Ralph knocked Billy out by whacking him over the head with a rock and grabbed Mac, but Larry showed up in time to rescue her. Larry and Ralph fought, and just before the police arrived, both ended up going over a cliff to the lakeshore below. Ralph came-to and tried to kill an unconscious Larry with a rock. Scared away by the arrival of the police, Ralph disappeared into the bushes. Larry recovered with minor injuries and major thanks from Billy's mother Jill for saving her son's life. Because Jill had video evidence that Amanda had stolen Jill’s jewels, and after nearly getting both her own daughter and Jill's son killed, Amanda agreed to leave town if Jill would drop the charges.

After all he went through that summer, Billy decided he needed to do more with his life than go to college, so he left for Louisiana to help Mac's father, Brock, build houses for the poor. He and his mother Jill shared a tearful parting, although Jill felt that Billy was making a mistake. Mac and Billy parted tearfully as well, declaring their love and promising each other it was not the end of them. Mac left Genoa City that fall to attend Northwestern University. Both Billy and Mac returned to Genoa City for Christmas, and decided to attend GCU and share a loft apartment with Raul and Brittany. By spring Billy had proposed, and Mac and Billy were to be married with Raul Gutierrez as best man and Colleen Carlton as maid of honor. But when it was revealed that Jill's actual birth mother was Katherine Chancellor, their lives were shattered when they realized that they were cousins. Mac and Billy both left town on their own, devastated by the news.

Billy spent a year working on the hurricane Katrina disaster recovery in New Orleans, then some time as a bartender at Sammy Seagull's Sandpit Bar and Grill in Miami. He returned to Genoa City in 2006 to attend his father John's funeral. Jill and Katherine encouraged him to stay and claim his legacy as both a Chancellor and an Abbott by learning the business of Chancellor Industries and Jabot Cosmetics. Billy relented and began attending GCU as a business major and working his way up at Jabot from the mailroom. It turned out that Billy had a bad gambling habit, and that he still owed some bookies in Miami a lot of money, so when no one would give him any money, he stole and pawned an antique scrimshaw from the Chancellor estate. Kay discovered it and told Jill and Jack, so they gave him a job as NVP/Jabot Liaison for House of Kim, and shipped him off to Hong Kong.

Billy returned in 2008 as "Liam", who showed up on the arm of Amber Moore at Daniel Romalotti's art showing in New York City. Billy said he used the name Liam to pick up chicks, was over his gambling addiction, and traveled the world, often to Los Angeles where he hung out with the stars. Much to Daniel’s dismay, Billy proceeded to buy all of Daniel's drawings of Amber that had not already sold. Daniel, still not over Amber and never a fan of Billy, was concerned that Billy was a player and would break her heart.

Chloe Mitchell had legally changed her name from Kate Valentine before she arrived, pregnant, in Genoa City. Chloe told her mother, Esther, that a guy who was selfish, arrogant, and unfaithful broke her heart and that she would never love anyone else again. But Chloe tricked Cane into believing her baby was his and into marrying her. From flashbacks it was obvious that Billy was the father of Chloe’s baby and that Chloe had set up their first meeting in New York City. They had an affair, she had gotten into his email and discovered that he had cheated on her which broke her heart, and then she had stalked him. Yet Billy was still her occasional “booty call,” up until she discovered that she was pregnant.

Billy reunited with his mother Jill and finally met her other son, his half-brother Cane. Billy's other half-brother Jack convinced him to move back to Genoa City and help him get Jabot back into the Abbott family, and get back at Cane for usurping his life, by going to work at Jabot again. Cane invited Billy and "his girlfriend" over for drinks to get to know him and his new wife Chloe, unaware that his ex-wife Amber was Billy's girlfriend, and that Chloe had a past with Billy. Billy confronted Chloe the next day accusing her of just wanting to bag a Chancellor. Billy tried to convince Cane that he didn't mind that Cane took over Jabot, and Cane talked Billy into taking the director of marketing position, with emphasis on the new teen line Starblaze.

A Jabot shareholders meeting was called after Katherine Chancellor's supposed death, and to Jill’s shock, Gloria and Jeff Bardwell and Billy Abbott, with the majority of Jabot shares and proxies from Traci and Ashley, announced their takeover. Jack was present, and Jill reminded them that he was still legally banned from having anything to do with Jabot. Total confusion about who was in charge was calmed when Ashley Abbott arrived and announced that she was once again the rightful CEO of Jabot.

Cane and Chloe were getting along well in anticipation of their baby. But one day Lily stopped by, and during an argument with Chloe, Chloe fell from a ladder and had to be taken to the hospital. Her baby was okay, but she was confined to bed rest with rare occasions on her feet. During her hospitalization, Billy got a nurse to admit that Chloe's due date was incorrect, and realized that he was the father, but he said nothing to Chloe.

Billy found out that Lily Winters was trying computer dating, so he became a guy online who called himself Sonny Crawford, whom Lily became quite enamored with. They finally met, and Lily was shocked, then thrilled that Sonny was Billy.

Jeffrey, Jill, and Jack each wooed Gloria who was in jail for product tampering at Jabot, to sell her Jabot shares, and said they would drop the charges, but she sold them to Victor Newman instead. Ever plotting against Jack Abbott, Victor offered Jabot to Jill if she would seat Billy as CEO, then all the Abbotts could stay on board. Jill accepted the offer and justified Billy's appointment to Cane because he was an Abbott.

Lily and Billy were getting serious so they went up to the Abbott cabin at Twin Lakes to be alone. But Billy felt he had to confess to Lily that Chloe's baby was his before going any further. Lily was shocked and accused Billy of plotting with Chloe to break up her and Cane. About that time, Chloe walked in the door of the cabin, and before she could join the conversation, went into labor. Unable to drive out due to a storm, Billy had to turn and deliver his daughter while being talked through it by Dr. Olivia on Lily's cell phone. Then Cane showed up after walking in past the roadblocks, intending to tell Lily he loved and wanted her no matter what. The baby was fine, but Chloe was hemorrhaging and passing out, so they constructed a litter and carried her and the baby down to the waiting ambulance.

Later in the hospital, Cane started asking questions about why they were at the cabin, and Lily threatened Billy that he had better step up, tell Cane the truth, and claim his daughter. Billy went off to get drunk in a bar while Chloe almost died from blood loss and septicemia. Billy's brother Jack gave him good advice to fess up, confiscated his car keys, and left Billy at the bar. Then Sharon showed up, also drunk, so Billy and Sharon hooked up and spent the night together in her room at the Athletic Club. The next day, Chloe confessed to Cane that her baby was not his, and Billy walked in to verify that he was the reluctant father. Cane exploded at them, including Lily for not telling him after she had found out the night before. Cane shouted at them all that the baby was his and he was not going to give her up. Later Cane signed the birth certificate naming himself the father and naming the baby Cordelia Katherine Valentine Ashby.

Chloe admitted to her mother, Ester, that her baby was not Cane's. Then when Billy showed up, Esther realized that he was Cordelia's father. Unknown to them, Cane had contacted attorney Michael Baldwin to get custody of Cordelia. Billy also contacted his friend, attorney Rafe Torres, to see what his rights were too. Since Cane was divorcing Chloe and they had nowhere to live, Esther brought Chloe and her granddaughter home to the Chancellor estate, and Jill offered them space in her wing so she could be closer to her granddaughter. After slugging Billy when he showed up at the estate to see Cordelia, Cane explained the situation to Lily's father Neil, then asked Lily how she would feel about marrying him and raising Cordelia together. Cane and Lily reunited, and Cane had Chloe served with full custody papers.

Meanwhile Billy, who was supposed to be the doting father living with Chloe and Cordelia, was having an affair with his brother Jack's not-yet-divorced-wife Sharon. After Chloe realized that he was with another woman when she needed him, she moved back to the Chancellor estate with her mother. Phyllis caught Sharon and Billy together and threatened to tell Jack and Nick about their affair. Later, Sharon broke down, phoned Billy, and called things off.

Jack arrived and Sharon fell into his arms, ashamed and troubled. Jack asked Sharon to return to him, and he would forgive her anything. Sharon asked him to just keep her safe from the rest of the world, and Jack promised that he would. They made love and Sharon moved back in with Jack. Meanwhile, Billy showed up with flowers for Chloe and smooth-talked her into giving him another chance. But Nick and Noah were both perplexed with Sharon’s flakiness when only days later she inexplicably decided to move back to the athletic club.

Jill informed Billy that she was replacing him with Cane as Jabot CEO due to his lack of maturity, although Billy could still be in charge of Jabot's international sales division. But Billy quit on the spot, and told Jill that she would never see Delia again. Cane was thrilled when Jill told him that she was reappointing him to the CEO position at Jabot. Later, Jill fired Jack and Ashley, telling them they were living in the past and unable to embrace new ideas. Jack told Ashley not to worry, once Katherine was proven alive she would reinstate them, and she did.

After spending the night with Sharon, Billy married Chloe to be able to fight Cane for custody of Cordelia. Jack was best man, and having no available friends, Chloe asked Sharon to stand up for her. Sharon accepted, but couldn't look Billy in the eye and go through with it, so Colleen took her place. Just as the ceremony ended, because Brock had let her know that Katherine was alive after all, Mac showed up at the Chancellor mansion. Meanwhile in the next room, the results of Brock's blood test proved that he was Kay's son, and that Jill was not Katherine's daughter after all, which meant that Billy and Mac were not related either. Their reactions to the news made it quite obvious that neither had ever gotten over the other. Chloe was concerned for her marriage since Mac was staying on in Genoa City to help Kay get back into her old life. Just prior to the hearing, Cane dropped the custody suit so Cordelia would never grow up without a mother like he had.

Eighty-year-old Katherine married Patrick “Murph” Murphy in the Chancellor garden in a service officiated by her son Brock. Afterward Billy and Cane had to drag Jill out while she raved at Kay. Later, Mac kept resisting Billy’s advances, and when he grabbed and kissed her, she slapped him. Chloe saw it, kissed his smarting cheek, and took him home.

Billy was at odds with Jack, and went looking for a position at Newman but found none, then Jack asked him to be Co-CEO of Jabot, and he accepted. Billy was upset when Cane bought Billy’s favorite escape, Jimmy’s Bar, but was elated when Cane hired Mac as a waitress, so Billy began spending even more time there, avoiding Chloe. Billy kept lamenting about their missed opportunity for happiness, and Mac kept reminding him they had both moved on.

On Memorial Day 2009, Kay and Murphy threw a barbeque around the Chancellor pool with Esther, Billy, Chloe, Delia, Mac, Amber, Nina, and Jack in attendance. Later Sharon, Neil, Tyra, Kevin, and Jana arrived. Raul Guittierez surprised everyone when he walked in. After reuniting with Billy and being introduced to Kay's new husband, Murphy; and Billy's new wife, Chloe, and their baby, Mac walked in and she and Raul embraced and passionately kissed. Mac had earlier revealed that there was someone she had worked with in Darfur, and that their year long relationship was "serious, but didn't work out" -- and it turned out to have been Raul. After Billy reluctantly gave them his blessing, Raul asked Mac to marry him and return to Washington, D.C., with him. Billy and Chloe went home. Billy was obviously distraught, and they fought.

After Phyllis overheard Sharon tell Nick that she was pregnant, Phyllis lambasted Jack for letting it happen. Because Sharon said that Jack knew everything and he'd forgiven her, Phyllis asked Jack how he could forgive Billy for being one of the possible fathers. Jack was shocked to find out, and he later attacked Billy for it. Sharon admitted to Jack that Billy might be the third possible of father of her baby. Jack was understanding and loving, even though it ruined his relationship with his brother; he insisted that he wanted Sharon and the baby no matter whose baby it was. Sharon made an appointment for a paternity test.

Meanwhile, the more time Mac spent with Billy, the more she doubted her future with Raul. Chloe saw it coming and got Raul to return from D.C., but when he did Mac told him that she was sorry, but the engagement was off. Billy and Mac were about to make love when Chloe interrupted with the news that the paternity test on Sharon's baby was about to be received. Mac did not take the news well that Billy might be the father of his brother's wife’s child, and left. But Mac realized it had happened when they were not together, and after seeing Billy talking to God about answering his prayers despite all his sins, Mac decided that Billy was still the man she loved.

Sharon got the paternity test results back and was ecstatic that she and Nick were expecting the daughter Faith that Cassie had predicted on her death bed and again in Nick's dream.

Billy and Mac faked being mad at each other at Kay’s Fourth of July party, however both made excuses and met at the Athletic Club to finally make love after all those years apart. But they were interrupted by a phone call telling them that Kay had suffered another mini-stroke and had been rushed to the hospital by ambulance.

After Cane was exposed as not being Phillip Chancellor, Cane sold Jimmy's Bar to Mackenzie, and he decided to leave town. But when Mac heard that Lily was in the hospital with ovarian cancer, and about to undergo surgery, she tracked down Cane, persuaded him not to leave, and stashed him in Murphy's trailer home that Billy had just bought as a rendezvous for them. Whenever Mac and Billy met there, they had some intimate moments and memories, but always seemed to get interrupted by something before they could finally make love after a six-year wait.

Katherine determined that Cane was a good man; she forgave Cane and asked him to stay in Genoa City. Billy was livid that his "fake brother" was once again the favored son and grandson. Thanks to a comment from Cane, Billy made Jill admit how Victor had coerced her into firing everyone at Jabot, stealing the Abbott family company away from them, and putting Billy in charge as a figurehead. Billy reacted by interrupting the Newman board meeting and exposing Victor’s part in this in front of Ashley.

After Mac admitted to Chloe that she and Billy were now together, Chloe began divorce proceedings. But when Billy and Chloe met to sign the divorce papers, Billy started remembering the good times in the past, and backed out making excuses. So Chloe decided to use Chance to make Billy jealous and stay with her and Delia. Billy went back and signed the next day, but Chloe never did, and they remained legally married, though separated. But after Chance was stabbed trying to stop a robbery, Chloe realized how much she really cared about Chance and signed the papers.

Jack and Billy were concerned about Ashley’s emotional condition and tried to talk her into leaving Victor, but she refused. After they learned that Victor had brought back Patty Williams and turned her into Mary Jane Benson with plastic surgery and a new background to get back at Jack, Billy practically kidnapped Ashley, but she returned to Victor on her own. Once Ashley was finally convinced that Victor was behind Patty's reign of terror, resulting in Victor's own granddaughter Summer being hurt, Victor's dog Zapato being killed, and Colleen Carlton’s near-death from drowning, Patty’s fragile mental state being worsened, and Ashley's own torment by Patty, Ashley packed to leave and wrote Victor a goodbye note. Then Billy arrived telling her that Patty Williams had shot Victor, and they left for the hospital together. Victor was in critical condition and had surgery to remove a bullet from his heart.

Ashley confronted Victor about all the trouble that he had caused which sent him into heart arrhythmia. But his heart was too far gone, and only a heart transplant could save him. Tests confirmed Colleen was brain dead, and Traci finally made the heart-breaking decision to take her off life-support. All of Colleen’s friends went to say goodbye including her best friend Lily. Colleen’s uncles Jack and Billy and half-sister Abby had a hard time comprehending it all. Then Traci and Steve were told that Colleen was an organ-donor, and Nikki had the nerve to intrude to request Colleen’s heart to save Victor. Jack and Billy protested, then Jack reconsidered and agreed since Victor had basically saved his life with Patty. Victor and Colleen turned out to be a match, and Traci agreed to the transplant despite Billy ranting about how Victor was responsible for “Cee Cee’s” death and certainly would not have approved.

Billy arranged a celebration of Colleen’s life instead of a funeral, with red balloons, and everyone wearing bright colors. Victoria arrived and read a letter from Victor full of thanks and gratefulness. Traci, Jack, Ashley, Abby, Neil, Kay, Kevin, and J.T. gave eulogies about what they remembered most about her. At the end, everyone released red balloons to “An Angel’s Lullaby,” sung by Beth Maitland, the actress who played Traci. Colleen was buried next to her father, Brad, her kidneys were donated to a 16-year-old girl, and her corneas to a father who had never seen his children.

Billy made a surprise move by resigning as Co-CEO of Jabot and buying Restless Style magazine/webzine from Nick and Phyllis using a loan from Ashley. Phyllis was reluctant, but decided that it was no fun anymore without Nick, and she could spend more time with Summer if she went back to work at Newman. In retaliation for Colleen's death, Billy’s first issue became an exposé of Victor Newman's role in it, and pointed out that after all that, Victor had been kept alive by the donation of Colleen's heart. The article also detailed Victor’s part in the failure of a bank in Grand Cayman. Victor took it rather calmly, while Ashley was livid when she realized that Billy had spent her money to vilify the father of her children. Victor visited Colleen’s grave, bought Nikki a ring, and left Faith a video of his version of his life story, then Victor and Nikki said their goodbyes and left for a cardiac rehab center in Belgium. Meanwhile Billy discovered Victoria's affair with Deacon and exposed it on the Restless Style website. Nick tried to kick the magazine out of his building, but it was not legal. The SEC investigated and ordered Victor to repay the Cayman bank depositors, including Jill, Gloria and Jeffrey, for their losses.

Mac wanted to help Lily and Cane by being a surrogate mother for them, but Billy refused to let her do it. Billy was not happy when Mackenzie volunteered and began looking into the legal ramifications with Michael Baldwin. Mac got a physical, and told Cane she was ready, even though Billy did not want her to do it. Mac and Billy broke up, and Mac became pregnant with Cane and Lily's child. Billy went to jail when he refused to name his source for a story, then fired Chloe when she told the authorities who the source had been, which she only did to get him out of jail for Christmas.

Meanwhile Billy's life was spiraling downward again into drunkenness as he watched Chance take Billy‘s place with Chloe and his daughter, Delia, and after losing the love of his life, Mac. Then an end-of-2009 visit from his dead father, John, began to turn Billy around after John showed him what the future would be like with Billy dead if he kept it up. He cleaned up the magazine’s reputation and mended fences with Jack and Mac, although Mac remained wary of him. When his mother Jill was fired from Chancellor, Jill talked Billy into hiring her at Restless Style, and they wrote a story to expose Tucker for paying off Alexander Thomas, the Cultural Minister of Yugoslavia with a Griffin painting worth millions to promote a band 25 years earlier, which had launched Tucker's career.

Although they were sworn enemies, Billy Abbott was spending a lot of time bantering with Victoria Newman, especially since she and J.T. had decided to divorce. One day Billy grabbed and kissed her and got a smack across the face for it. But eventually Billy’s charm won her over and they became lovers. Victor saw Victoria and Billy getting along too well at the annual charity masquerade ball and threatened Billy, so Billy left and returned in another mask, and they continued to spend the evening together. They eventually ducked upstairs to a room and were making love when a gas explosion rocked the Athletic Club. They quickly dressed and made it outside separately.

After the explosion, Victoria’s half-brother, Adam, was found dead in the basement. Because a fancy European pen found at the crime scene was determined to be the murder weapon that had stabbed Adam in the heart and was traced to Victoria, she was arrested for the murder of Adam. Meanwhile, J.T. was granted full custody of Reed when Victoria did not show up for the custody hearing. At Victoria’s arraignment, Billy interrupted proclaiming her innocence because she had been in his hotel room at the time of the murder, but Victoria refused to admit that it was true. Meanwhile Jill was reporting the latest Newman scandal on the Restless Style website, and was Twittering updates, for which Billy later fired her. The murder charge against Victoria was later dropped.

Victoria’s appeal for custody of Reed was lost when Tucker reported to the court that Victor had kept J.T. from arriving in time. To top it off her divorce decree arrived later, so to get away and forget their problems, Victoria and Billy took the next plane to Kingston, Jamaica, with no luggage or plans. They joined a Jamaican wedding party on the beach where rum and Billy’s teasing and charm made him the life of the party. Billy made Victoria laugh and smile again as he told everyone about their love/hate relationship. Deliriously drunk, they got married too. Back in Genoa City, Mac, J.T., and Reed went for a drive in his GTO and ended up at a drive-in movie watching The Three Stooges and eating nachos. Mac and J.T. began to realize that they had more in common than ever before, and the old spark was still there. As J.T. said, “The stuff you never see coming, is exactly what you want.”

Billy’s friend, Rafe, invited his friends to a party at Jimmie’s Bar to celebrate the opening of his private law practice. On his arm was his new boyfriend, Tyler. Billy and Victoria attended but kept their distance from each other. Abby had been trying to coerce Billy into funding and publicizing her television reality show “The Naked Heiress”, but when he refused Abby shouted congratulations to them on their marriage, then played their Jamaican wedding video on her phone when no one believed her. J.T. and Mac were appalled to think that Billy and Victoria had run off together, gotten drunk, and ended up married. Victor was furious when he was informed and got Michael involved. Michael discovered a Jamaican law that invalidated the marriage because it had occurred after 8:00 p.m., and Billy and Victoria reluctantly parted, saying what a bad match they were anyway. But, unable to resist each other, they continued to meet for fun and sex, and finally admitted that they loved each other.

Because Tucker’s snooping into his business dealings was making Victor suspicious, Victoria traveled to Japan for her father with a rare gift to ensure their deal with Mitsukoshi department stores remained intact, and Billy tagged along. Just before Victoria left for her meeting with Mitsukoshi’s representative, Tucker and Ashley greeted her and Billy in the hotel bar. After returning to Genoa City, Billy found on the Internet that the gift, which he had peeked at, was a priceless antique gun. Tucker made a deal with Jill to find out what the gift had been in exchange for a detective to get more information on Jill’s real parents. Guessing Billy’s password, Jill found the gun in his web search history, and gave the information to Tucker. Tucker confronted Victor with it hoping he could leverage Victor into giving up the Newman cosmetics line, but instead Victor went to the authorities and explained the illegal gift. Billy fired Jill when he found out what she had done, and he and Victoria made up once she realized it had not been Billy who told Tucker about the gift.

Victor continued to interfere in Victoria’s romance with Billy, continually reminding her that Newmans and Abbotts did not mix well. Victor threatened to let her take the fall for the illegal gun gift, and made her choose between him and Billy. Victoria chose Billy and handed in her resignation. Victoria pondered where to go after she moved out of the ranch, Billy asked her to move in with him, and she accepted. They celebrated by getting tattoos, Victoria’s on her lower back saying “Billy Abbott” and Billy’s on his shoulder saying “Victoria.” But the tattoo artist had a heart attack and was taken away by ambulance leaving Billy’s tattoo unfinished. To his dismay, his shoulder said “Victor”. (Later when Victor saw it, he paid another tattoo artist to finish it.) As much as Victoria was committed to her new life with Billy, waking up that first morning and realizing that she was living in a double-wide with no room for her stuff, not to mention her son when he would visit, she and Billy decided to go house hunting.

They called the realtor and were assigned a new agent, who turned out to be Gloria Bardwell. Gloria showed them a house that was redone exactly like the house in one of their favorite old television shows, Father Knows Best. With rooms for both Delia and Reed, Billy and Victoria fell in love with it, and bought it on the spot. They had just moved in when Billy was shocked to see a pregnancy test kit fall out of Victoria’s bag. While she took the test, Billy went to Jimmie’s Bar for a stiff drink. Mac overheard his circumstances and sent him home to Victoria. Then the spirit of his dead father, John, made Billy realize that he really loved Victoria. So Billy went home and presented Victoria with an engagement ring before even hearing the test results, and she accepted his proposal. Victoria took another test, and rushed down the stairs shouting “We’re pregnant!” not realizing that her parents were there in the living room with Billy. Nikki was thrilled for them, but Victor was livid.

Billy and Victoria wanted to get married the next day, but since they could not get a license, they planned a trip to Las Vegas. When Nikki heard, she pulled some strings with her friend, Judge Anderson, and got them a license. Judge Anderson officiated at the impromptu ceremony in Victoria and Billy’s front yard. But just as the vows were being exchanged, Victoria was arrested for violating the laws governing foreign gifts. As she was being dragged to the police car, Judge Anderson quickly finished the vows, and they were officially married. Attorney Vance Abrams took her case, but Victoria spent her wedding night in jail. Victor visited the following morning and admitted that he had turned her in for her own good, and offered to have the charges dropped if she would get rid of Billy. Victoria declined, told Victor he would never again be a part of her life or her children’s, and returned to her cell. Vance got Victoria released on bail, and Victor finally relented and admitted to the authorities that Victoria was delivering the gun under his orders. After Tucker overheard Victoria still refuse to forgive Victor, he offered her an executive position with Jabot. The newlyweds sealed their marriage by having wedding rings tattooed on their ring fingers by the same tattoo artist, now recovered from his heart attack. (They later got matching 1950’s style rings.) Following another shouting match with Victor, Victoria had pain and lost their baby at seven weeks. That same day J.T. and Mackenzie found out they were expecting a baby of their own.

Mac received a job offer from a non-profit in Washington, D.C., and they decided it could be a new start for them both with J.T. working there too. J.T. and Mac packed to move, and J.T. gave Victoria the news that he intended to take their son Reed with them. Victoria threw a fit and J.T. reminded her that he had full custody. Victoria conferred with both Michael and Vance, who told her she had no legal right to stop them. Hearing the news, Katherine decided J.T. and Mac needed an impromptu wedding that very day. With the help of Chloe and Kevin, some strings pulled by Katherine to get a license, and Mac’s father Brock arriving to perform the ceremony, they were married at the Chancellor Estate. Paul was the best man, and Lily the matron of honor. Billy and Victoria attended the ceremony, ironically each extending their ex-husband and ex-wife good wishes for a happy life together. Then after Victoria bade a tearful goodbye to her son, J.T., Mac, and Reed left for Washington D.C. driving the GTO off into the sunset.

Billy and Victoria continued to try to have another baby, but were disappointed month after month. Christmas 2010 arrived, and Victoria looked forward to a visit from Reed. But when J.T. called Billy to report that Reed’s flight was grounded, they worked out a plan for J.T. to drive Reed to Philadelphia, and for Billy to pick him up when he arrived in Genoa City to surprise Victoria.

Victoria was devastated when told by her doctor that there was little chance that she would ever have another baby, so Billy was determined to get her one. He contacted Primrose DeVille, niece of infamous baby broker Rose Deville, and paid two million dollars for a newborn baby girl (who unknown to anyone, was the abandoned child of Daisy Carter and Daniel Romalotti). Retro-TV-lovers, Billy and Victoria, named the red-haired baby “Lucy”, after Lucille Ball. The more Daniel looked at baby Lucy, the more he was convinced that she was Daisy’s baby. Torn as to whether or not to tell anyone, Daniel grabbed a misplaced pacifier to find out for sure. The DNA results proved that Lucy was Daniel's daughter. Daniel continued to see Lucy, looking at her in awe and calling her the tiny girl with the big secret.

After Kevin asked Jana to move out of his apartment, she found a better job as Lucy Abbott's nanny, and moved into the garage apartment behind Billy and Victoria's house.

Victoria and Billy chose Abby to be godmother to Lucy, and unable to decide between Nick or Jack as godfather, they asked them both. At the last minute the priest discovered that Lucy's birth certificate was not the original, because it was missing the state seal. Billy went back to Primrose who stamped it with a Wisconsin stamp, and the Christening went on as planned. Victor even showed up but stayed out of sight.

Jana confessed to Billy how she had been tracking Daisy's baby through a baby broker for Kevin, and Billy realized that Lucy was actually Daniel and Daisy's baby. He called Primrose, who assured him that there was no way that Jana could discover the baby's identity through her. Daniel caught Kevin and Jana researching Prim's bank account number list that Jana had photographed, so while Kevin wasn't looking, Daniel ran a magnet over the laptop, erasing the hard drive.

While visiting Jana at Billy and Victoria's, Agnes (the woman who had found Daisy's baby dropped off at a church) spotted the outfit she had bought for the baby at a thrift store among some donations of Lucy's that Victoria had ready for pickup. Jana merged the pieces of Billy's shredded bank statement to verify his account number to Prim's list, and was delighted to prove that Lucy was Daisy's baby. But Victoria arrived home before Jana could tell Kevin. Daniel confessed to Billy that he had DNA test proof that Lucy was his daughter. Although Daniel wanted Lucy to stay with Billy and Victoria, he and Billy agreed that they needed to stop Jana who was getting too close to discovering the truth. The next morning, Billy and Victoria awoke to discover that Lucy and Delia were missing, and so was Jana. Alerts went out that the children were kidnapped, and all the Newmans and Abbotts joined the police search for Jana and the children. Chloe tore into Billy about the many times she had warned him about Jana's instability and danger to their children.

Jana called Kevin to meet her at an abandoned daycare center. When he arrived, Jana handed Lucy to Kevin and informed him that she was his niece. Once Kevin understood that Billy was the person who had bought Daisy's baby, he was relieved that she was in good hands. But delusional Jana told Kevin that Lucy belonged with them, that they could reunite, leave town, and become a family together. Kevin calmly praised Jana for her devotion to him, and told her that he wanted to be with Jana and start their own family, so they needed to return the children. Jana agreed to take the children to St. Mary's church, and Kevin text-messaged Billy with their location. But when Kevin refused to leave the children alone there, Jana realized that Kevin had tricked her and pulled a gun on him. So Kevin left with Jana to keep the children from being harmed. Murphy and Kay were at the church praying for the children's safe return when they heard Lucy's cry. They found the children as police sirens were heard approaching. Chloe, Victoria and Billy arrived with the police and reclaimed their children. Once home and safe, Billy confessed to Victoria that Lucy was bought on the black market, and that Daniel and Daisy were her real parents. Billy had to get Daniel to assure Victoria that Lucy would always be theirs.

Once Phyllis found out that Lucy was her granddaughter, and remembering what it was like living her life without her child, Daniel, she decided that Lucy needed to be with her real family. Lauren and Daniel both objected, fearful that Daisy would hear about it, return, and demand her parental rights. So with Michael and Rafe's legal help, they arranged a private meeting among all parties, and Phyllis was convinced to agree to let Billy and Victoria keep Lucy, provided that she would see Lucy one weekend a month, that Lucy would know Daniel was her father, and that Phyllis would be involved in major decisions in Lucy's life. Meanwhile, Chloe sued Billy for custody of Delia, citing the fact that Billy had bought Lucy on the black market. As the private meeting was coming to a close, a CPS social worker arrived, having found out Lucy was a black market baby through Delia's custody paperwork. Although the adoption papers that Billy gave the social worker appeared legitimate, there had been no background check or social worker involved. Even though Daniel claimed to be Lucy's father and substantiated Billy and Victoria's right to his daughter, Lucy was taken from them until Daniel's claim could be verified with a DNA test. When the test came back positive, due to the ongoing pressure from the Abbotts and his mother for Daniel to keep her, Daniel left to get Lucy, promising them that he would decide what to do once she was safe.

Daniel finally decided to allow Billy and Victoria to adopt Lucy, he relinquished his parental rights, and the adoption was made legal. Phyllis was livid, and wrote a Restless Style blog about Lucy and condemning Daisy, hoping to smoke her out. By doing so Phyllis had disobeyed the court's gag order, and she was fired by Billy. Daisy returned, and Phyllis hired attorney Leslie Michaelson to arrange for Daisy to turn herself in and petition the court to get back her parental rights. Leslie pointed out that Daisy was only accused of the crimes, and that both Victoria and Billy had recently been arrested as well, that Victoria had lost custody of Reed, and Billy's ex-wife was suing for custody of Delia. So Daisy was given back her parental rights, although Phyllis was given temporary custody of Lucy, because Daisy was in jail. Feeling guilty, Billy moved out leaving Victoria in tears, and camped out drunk at Jimmy's bar. Reed, who was staying with Victoria, received ironic news of the birth of J.T. and Mac's baby boy, Dylan.

Nick went to talk some sense into Billy, and found him living in his mobile home again, drunk and gambling on horse races. Billy said he was through with being an upstanding husband and offered to sell Restless Style back to Nick. Nick had papers drawn up and bought it back, then offered Phyllis the opportunity to work with him again, and she took the job.

Chloe and Billy's testimony about Billy's bad habits and run-ins with the law left Billy without a prayer of keeping joint custody of Delia. Then Victoria testified on Billy's behalf about what a devoted father he was. Billy went to thank her afterward, but she let him know that nothing had changed between them. Later Billy was finishing a drink at Jimmy's Bar, and was propositioned by a hooker. Billy turned her down, she begged for a ride home, so he gave her a hundred dollar bill to take a cab. But outside Jimmy's, as the hooker joined him in the street, Billy was arrested for solicitation. Chloe was awarded sole custody of Delia, and Billy was given only limited supervised visitation. Victor was later seen paying off the hooker for a job well done, as Billy went home to Victoria's loving embrace. They talked, and Victoria expressed her fear for Billy and his self destructiveness, and her regret for what had become of them. Late that night Billy showed up at the Chancellor estate to see Delia, but Chloe refused and sent him away. Billy got drunk, wrecked his car, and ended up in the hospital. Jack brought Billy home to a birthday party at Ashley and Tucker's, and Ashley tried to convince Victoria to attend and give him the vintage painting she had commissioned of the two of them. But Victoria declined. Ashley made Billy his favorite cake, and gifted him their father John's ring in hopes that it would be a reminder to lead a better life.

Billy returned home to pack his things and found the painting of himself and Victoria in her playboy bunny outfit and its dedication to him for "bringing out the goofy" in Victoria. Victoria walked in and they talked about how much they needed each other and ended up making love. But afterward, while she was making coffee, Billy left and was seen on a plane flying out of town. Victoria was devastated when she learned from Ashley that he had left her and had gone back to Hong Kong. Weeks later, Chloe received a Jade bracelet for Delia from Billy.

Billy's daughter, Delia was diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia, and needed a bone marrow transplant to recover. Everyone in Genoa City was tested with no matches, and Victoria and Jack were intent on finding Billy to help, hoping that he could save Delia's life. Hearing that Billy had left Myanmar, a country in Southeast Asia, Jack left town to find him. Meanwhile, Victor had found Billy in a jail cell in Myanmar, and made a deal with him to negotiate his freedom if he promised to never see Victoria again. Billy told Victor to go to hell. Victor told him about Delia's condition, and that Billy might save his daughter's life if he was a match. Victor returned Billy home to his trailer and coerced Kevin to agree to pose as the donor of Billy's blood sample. Billy snuck into the hospital unrecognized, wearing a hooded sweatshirt, to see Delia. Delia told Chloe that her daddy had been there, but everyone assumed it was a dream. The blood sample proved to be a match for Delia, so Victor arranged, with Michael's help, for a doctor to harvest the bone marrow from Billy and lead everyone to believe that it came from Kevin.

Meanwhile, Victoria continued to believe in Billy, and emailed him that she loved him and would forgive him if he would just come home. Billy received Victoria's emails on his laptop at his trailer, and wanted to go home to Victoria. But Victor kept him in hiding by threatening to reveal Billy's crime that had gotten him thrown into prison. Victor planted the seed in Billy's mind that Victoria was moving on with Sam, the veterinarian who was living in their garage apartment. Billy went to see her, arriving just after Victoria had injured her ankle, and witnessed Sam carry her upstairs. Billy poured out the booze that Victor brought to him, and told Victor that Delia needed him, so he wanted to keep himself the best that he could be to save her life.

Billy snuck out of his trailer to see Katherine who was unconscious in the hospital after having a stroke. Cane saw him leaving and followed him home, but Billy made him swear not to tell anyone that he was in Genoa City. After Delia had chemotherapy, Victor arranged with a doctor for Billy to donate the bone marrow for her transplant, and they prepped Kevin to know how to act as if he had been the donor. The transplant was successful, Delia was expected to make a full recovery, and Victor arranged for Billy to be gone from their lives in a few days. Meanwhile circumstances kept happening which kept Victoria from signing the divorce papers that she had Michael draw up. When the time came to leave, Billy refused to go until Victor showed him a damning video. Billy led Victor to believe that he had left town, but instead he holed up in a room somewhere.

Victoria threw the annual Halloween party at Jimmy's bar in Billy's absence and got very drunk. Meanwhile Billy showed up at the hospital dressed as Santa Claus to see Delia. Delia did not recognize him, and he enjoyed some time with her. Billy then showed up at Jimmy's Bar, in time to see his drunken wife thank everyone for coming, although she knew it was not as good without Billy, like everything in her life. Nick took her home, and after he left, Billy helped her get inside and to the couch where he kissed her. She recognized him but passed out. Billy was disappointed to find the signed divorce papers on the coffee table.

Billy convinced Cane to help him clear his name so that Billy could get his life back by finding Chelsea Lawson, a girl Billy had gotten in trouble with in Myanmar. Cane asked Ronan to help, but authorities in Myanmar had nothing on her or Billy. Billy came to the conclusion that Victor either had him locked up or paid someone off to say he had not been. After Cane agreed to go to Myanmar, Billy read an article online about innocent westerners being targeted there who were accused of crimes and imprisoned, but Cane would not be deterred. Ronan got Cane a visa, and Billy promised to send Cane a photo once he stole it from Victor. Billy convinced Kevin to help him hack into Victor's computer, they retrieved the photo of Chelsea, and sent it to Cane to track her down. Chloe called Kevin to let him know that Delia was in remission, and Kevin shared the good news with Billy. After Kevin had left, Victor tracked Billy to his hiding place and informed him he would personally see to it that Billy left for good this time.

Meanwhile in Myanmar, Cane was asking a bartender about Chelsea, and later received the photo which was of the bartender. The owner of the bar later told Cane that she had taken money from the till and disappeared. Victoria became convinced that Billy was in trouble and unable to contact them, so she and Jill decided to go to Myanmar and find him themselves. Inquiries and bribes at the American consulate disclosed that Billy had been imprisoned for illegal drug trafficking, but was there no longer. Then a guy at a bar told them that Billy was in hiding, to follow him to the dock in back, where he attempted to abduct them, but they were rescued by Cane. Cane told Jill and Victoria that he had followed them there, and they boarded a plane back to the U.S. together. Victoria got bumped from her connecting flight from New York City, and Cane and Jill went on ahead. Cane assured Jill that Billy was alive and well.

Meanwhile, Billy befriended Tank, the guy that Victor was paying to accompany Billy and make sure he stayed at a monastery in New Deli, India. They got as far as New York City, where Billy convinced Tank to let him go. Victoria and Billy found themselves both waiting in Finn McGee's airport pub. Victoria spotted him and hugged and kissed him, excited that he was alive, and asking where he had been since his release. Billy told her that he was setup in Myanmar, and admitted that it took him awhile, but that all he wanted was to come home to her and Delia. Victoria said that he never should have left, and Billy admitted that he didn't feel worthy of her or Delia. With all flights grounded, they found themselves in a hotel with adjoining rooms. Unable to stand it any longer, they each opened the doors between them, embraced, and ended up making love. Billy admitted that he had been the Santa who had kissed her, and had donated the bone marrow that had saved Delia's life; and told her about the deal he had made with the devil - Victor. Meanwhile Kevin was admitting the same to Chloe.

Flying home together, Billy anticipated seeing his daughter while Victoria was readying herself to give her father hell. Billy tried to confess to about the girl in Myanmar, but Victoria told him that it if he truly wanted to be with her, they could get past it. Fearing it would only renew Victor's vendetta against him, Billy tried to convince Victoria not to cut ties with Victor again. Billy and Victoria arrived at the Chancellor estate just in time for Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone was overjoyed to see him, as Billy picked up and hugged his daughter Delia, then turned around to find Victor there as a guest. After Victor hastily excused himself, Billy told everyone that he had been setup and imprisoned in Myanmar, then had trouble getting back, leaving out what Victor had done. Later, Victoria confronted Victor who claimed that keeping Billy from her was for her own good, and that perhaps she should ask Billy what he had done in Myanmar. Victoria told Victor that she had forgiven Billy, and that their love was something Victor would never understand, the way he had never forgiven Nikki or his children for anything. Victoria resigned from Newman and told Victor she was done with them both, for good. Billy and Victoria celebrated his homecoming by hanging over the fireplace the painting which Victoria had commissioned of her and Billy in their "Heff" and playboy bunny costumes.

Victoria received the paperwork showing that their divorce had been finalized, but they promised each other they would remarry. Jack offered Billy a job at Jabot, but after Nick had just fired Phyllis, Billy and Victoria were successful in talking Nick into selling Restless Style back to Billy instead.

Phyllis approached Billy, letting him know that she was working with Ronan and Nick on the murder case, which would make a nice exclusive for Restless Style.

Everyone was waiting at the church for the groom at the Christmas Eve wedding of Kevin and Chloe, with Victoria as matron of honor, Michael as best man, and Delia the flower girl. Kevin phoned Chloe and called off the wedding, telling her he needed time to think. Rather than waste everything, (with Chloe's permission,) Victoria and Billy decided to get married again instead, with Chloe as maid of honor. Kay sent Nikki a text message to join them, and she left Gloworm drunk. Nikki arrived, remarkably sober, just in time for the wedding and was welcomed with open arms. After the lights went out, things were looking ominous, but after the arrival of good omens, Judge Anderson and Victoria's runaway dog Keely, the ceremony was held by candlelight, and Victoria and Billy were married once again – vowing that this time would be forever. Chloe gave them her honeymoon too, which was coincidentally in Jamaica, where Victoria and Billy had been married the first time.

Meeting Sebastian and Rene in Jamaica, the couple whose wedding they had crashed, they were surprised, and saddened for themselves, to see that the couple already had had a baby. Later, after Victoria got a call that the adoption agency had a mother who had chosen them to adopt her baby, they left for home.

Chelsea Lawson showed up just after they arrived home on New Year's Eve, claiming that Billy, going by the name Liam, had raped her in Myanmar. She showed them that she was pregnant and claimed that it was his. Billy told Victoria that he was picked up by Chelsea in a bar where he had gotten very drunk. He admitted that they had danced together with him dreaming of Victoria, and that they had kissed. Then Chelsea had spiked his drink, and he woke up surrounded by police with heroin planted in his bag, and had been taken to prison. Billy claimed that he and Chelsea did not have sex, and that she was just trying to con him. Chelsea wanted a DNA test as proof. Billy admitted to Victoria that he didn’t remember everything from that night, but if the baby turned out to be his, he had not raped her. Victoria said that she believed him, but realized the adoption they had come home for was not going to happen.

Chelsea began parading her belly around town to anyone who would listen, including Adam, and showing up a Jimmy's bar in front of Billy and Victoria and their friends. Billy booked her a hospital room and arranged a DNA test, which proved that Billy was the father. Chelsea admitted to Billy that she had worked in Myanmar helping the police fill their quotas, and claimed that she and Billy had had consensual sex. Luckily Billy thought to tape her confession, and played it for Victoria. Billy proposed that he fight for custody of the baby, and Victoria agreed that she would rather raise a child who was Billy's, since she didn't seem to be able to have one herself. When they saw Chelsea ordering a burger and a beer, they asked her to live in their garage apartment where they could make sure ate right to look out for the baby. Chelsea readily agreed, then made a phone call assuring someone that the rich suckers had taken the bait.

Chelsea began spending more time in the house with Victoria than in her apartment, and was continually upsetting Victoria about her family's brushes with the law, her inability to conceive, and the fact that neither of them had custody of their own children. But through it all, Chelsea appeared to realize that she wasn’t going to break the bond between Billy and Victoria. So one day, after they witnessed her ultra-sound, and were told that she was having a boy, Chelsea broke down and told them she wanted them to raise her baby after he was born. Minutes later, Chelsea's mother, Anita, arrived at the door and began working her con, claiming that she and her husband were missionaries. Although Victoria and Billy saw through the con, they suggested Anita move in with Chelsea to watch them both. Once in the apartment, Anita told Chelsea that she was taking over the con, and that this baby was going to make them rich.

Anita went to see Victor, but he had her thrown off the property and banned, reminding her that he had given her a phone for communication with him. Anita told Chelsea that they would be getting no more money out of Victor. But since Billy had paid two million dollars for Lucy who wasn't even his, so she knew they could get even more out of Billy.

Paul and Billy confronted Anita and Chelsea with Paul's discovery that Anita was a grifter who had been involved in scams since she was a kid. Her first arrest in 1978 was for writing bad checks, with others since for mail, wire and credit card fraud, conspiracy, forgery, impersonating a police officer, and felony theft. Anita had also used the aliases of Anita Barrett, Amelia Larson, and dozens of others. Paul found that Chelsea had been scamming people since the age of ten, but had less of a criminal record.

Chelsea later told Victoria that they had met Victor when he had shown up in Myanmar and freed Billy. Then Chelsea had contacted Victor when she found herself pregnant, and he had brought them both to town, giving them a lot of money and promising Chelsea that she could have Billy if she was successful in breaking up his marriage to Victoria.

Billy put Chelsea on the spot by asking Anita to leave, making her choose between staying with them and leaving with Anita. Chelsea, who obviously did not get along with Anita, sided with Billy, and Anita packed her bags and left. Anita later showed up at Gloworm and got a waitress job, and she appeared to recognize Jeffrey Bardwell. Michael drew up settlement and termination of parental rights papers and reminded Billy that prenatal custody agreements were not ironclad. Chelsea signed the papers after Billy and Victoria assured her that she would remain known to their child. They assured her that they were giving her financial assistance so their son could be proud of his mother.

Billy had to leave them alone when he got an offer to go to Los Angeles to discuss making a television show out of Restless Style, and stayed on to make the pilot episode.

Chelsea got into a fight with Victoria and Abby over their hovering over her life, and left. Adam became concerned and went looking for her. Knowing her favorite spot to get away, Adam went to Lake Concord and found that Chelsea had fallen through the ice. Risking his own life, Adam managed to pull her out of the lake and took her to a nearby lake cottage when she started to go into labor. Adam did his best to get Chelsea warm, delivered her baby boy, and left them to go for help since his cell phone was getting no reception. Meanwhile Billy arrived home, and he and Abby went looking for Chelsea. Victoria had gone to Victor for help, and he allowed her to use his helicopter. They located the cabin, and Victoria found Chelsea delirious and alone with the baby. Billy and Abby arrived as Adam returned. But Adam never showed himself or took credit for saving their lives, just walked away alone knowing that Chelsea was in good hands. Chelsea and the baby were fine, and she signed over her parental rights to Billy. Adam asked Chelsea not to tell anyone what he had done, but when Victoria began badmouthing Adam again, Chelsea disclosed that Adam had been the hero who saved her and her baby's life. Billy and Victoria began to see Adam had indeed changed, and thanked him. Feeling guilty, Adam disclosed to Victoria that her father had actually paid Chelsea to setup Billy in Myanmar. After much consideration, Victoria thought to name the baby John after his grandfather, and she began calling him Johnny.

Jack and Nikki were invited to a family party at Victoria and Billy's to welcome Johnny home. Victor and Genevieve crashed the party and announced their Beauty of Nature deal and that they were now a couple. Nikki put her hand on Jack's shoulder and let him know that she had moved on as well. Genevieve excused herself, leaving Victoria to confront Victor about his setting up Billy in Myanmar. Victoria accused Victor that if not for Delia's illness, Billy may have died in prison there, then told him to leave and never return. Later Victoria admitted to Billy that if not for Victor's machinations, they actually may never have gotten Johnny, and Billy agreed that it had all been worthwhile. Reed arrived to meet his new baby brother Johnny. Chelsea stuck to her word, and with Adam's emotional support, allowed her parental rights to be terminated, and Victoria to adopt her baby.

Concerned about Chelsea's mounting bills, Victoria and Billy went to see her. Chelsea let them off the hook, telling them that she was staying in town to be with Adam, but that she would find a job and pay her own bills, and wouldn't meddle in her their lives. Adam asked Chelsea to share his room, and she moved in.

Sharon told Victoria that she had slept with Billy the night before his marriage to Chloe. Victoria confronted Billy who convinced her that it was all part of his lurid past, and reminded her that he had changed. Happy together again, Billy had to leave for Los Angeles to work on the movie, but he surprised Victoria when he returned on the 4th of July. Victoria shared the news that Chelsea and Adam were engaged, and how much that worried her they were plotting to get Johnny back.

After Phyllis was arrested for attempted murder of a federal officer which happened back in 1994, Phyllis wanted to write a Restless Style article to plead her case, but Billy fired her instead, explaining that the L.A. people would pull the plug on their TV show if she was not fired. They also wanted Phyllis on the next cover, and to be crucified in print and in the pilot show. After hearing about it, Nick slugged Billy, which was caught on tape. The Restless Style TV gossip show (RSTV) held its successful premiere after a gag order was released against airing the Phyllis story with Chloe and Abby as fellow commentators. Although Billy had promised not to talk about it, Abby jumped into the Victor and Sharon marriage fiasco.

Victor disappeared the day he married Sharon and Nikki married Jack. Genevieve found Victor, calling himself Christian, at a bar on the docks in L.A., but he obviously did not know her, and he acted disconnected and ill. Victor showed Genevieve the scar on his chest, assuming he was ill from some surgery. Genevieve, calling herself Jenny, told him that she was a retired nurse and that he had had a heart transplant, and needed his anti-rejection medication. Genevieve called Tucker, telling him that Victor had lost his memory, and got Tucker to send his medications. While Genevieve was gone, Billy walked in and Victor obviously didn't know him either, as they enjoyed a game of darts together. After she returned, and Victor had taken his medication and was feeling better, Billy took her aside, accused her of working for Tucker, and demanded to know what was going on. Victor admitted to Sister Celeste that he had no memory, but there was someone out there who cared about him. Sister Celeste told him she didn’t trust "Jenny", so Victor told "Jenny" to stay away from Sister Celeste. Meanwhile Billy hired Genevieve to keep an eye on Victor, and returned to Genoa City without telling Victoria that he had found her father. But although it was perfect payback for Victor's abuse of Billy in the past, Billy began to feel guilty as Tucker and Jack both started buying up Newman stock, and Victoria became more and more concerned about her father, and returned to Los Angeles ready to tell Victor who he was and bring him back to Genoa City. Billy gave Victor a cell phone to use if he got in trouble, and told him that being a journalist he could help him to expose the corruption on the docks. Victor arranged to meet an employee who was willing to talk about it, but it was a setup. When Billy heard that Nikki desperately needed to hear from Victor, he gave her the cell phone number. She called, and when Victor heard her voice, he responded, "Nikki?" just before an explosion rocked the dock area. Several workers were injured and Victor was declared dead after Billy ran into a burning building in an attempt to save him. Billy returned to Genoa City and delivered the news during a news conference that Sharon had called. Meanwhile Sister Celeste had secreted Victor away at her place to convalesce from his injuries, and for his own protection, only told Genevieve that he was alive. Later Victor recalled a ranch and horses, and then remembered his real name.

As news of Victor's death spread, Newman stock plummeted, family members began to grieve, and Billy lied to Victoria that he hadn't found Victor until it was too late. Sharon identified the burned body as Victor, although it wasn't him, convinced that Victor had set up his death. The family was livid to discover that Sharon had sent the body to be cremated immediately. Sharon arranged a quickie memorial service and texted his friends and family members to be there.

Victor returned to find Nikki weeping at his grave, and they reunited. Victor's friends and family were thrilled to see him, and he held a press conference to assure the world that he was alive and back as CEO and chairman of the board of Newman. Victor went to Victoria and thanked her for caring enough to take over Newman in his absence, and asked her to stay, on her own terms. Victor told Billy that because of everything he had done to save him, he would never disclose Billy's part in keeping his whereabouts a secret. And so long as Billy kept Victoria happy, he would no longer interfere.

Jack and Tucker maneuvered a hostile takeover of Newman and fired Victor, Nick, and Victoria. Jack offered Billy a job working with him at Newman, but Billy suggested giving him Jabot instead. Billy admitted that Restless Style was not doing well, RSTV was tanking, and he was trying to sell them. Victoria encouraged Billy to agree to work with Jack at Newman, to work with her to get Newman back. So Billy accepted Jack's offer and became Victoria's spy. Victoria confided only in Victor and Nikki that Billy was on their side, but Victor was not trusting of Billy. Billy was further encouraged to help when Jack gave the Jabot CEO job to Neil Winters. But Jack discovered Billy's duplicity and fired him.

Victoria, in Miami on business, was grabbed from behind as she left her hotel room, kidnapped, and locked in a dark room. Her captor turned out to be "Eddie G", a loan shark just released from prison who was convicted because Billy had ratted him out. Eddie demanded 2 million dollars from Billy, to tell no one, or she would die. Not having the money, Billy went to Nikki for help, but when she could not come up with enough, she told Victor who sent got an investigator to find Eddie and jetted to Miami.

Nick and Victor got the money, and planned to go with Billy to Miami, but Billy protested that they would get Victoria killed. So Billy and Nick left alone. Meanwhile, Victoria talked Eddie into letting her out of the dark room and into his place. They talked about his son Tommy and how his wife had disappeared with the boy while Eddie was in prison. Victoria offered to help him track them down, and Eddie appeared to be coming around until a gunshot sailed through the window, killing Eddie. Victoria, handcuffed to sofa, managed to reach Eddie's cell phone when Billy called, and she told him she did not know where she was. Suddenly the lights went out, and Max walked in. Max explained that he was the owner of the casino in Puerto Rico where Billy owed the money, and that Max had bugged the place and shot Eddie when he heard Victoria make him a better offer. Max took Victoria away, and returned to check on Eddie, when he was attacked by Billy and Nick after they had tracked the GPS on the phone.

Nick and Billy brought Victoria home where Victor and Nikki were waiting. After trying to throw Billy out of his own house, Victor delivered an ultimatum to Billy that he would tell Victoria that Billy had known where Victor was in Los Angeles and had chosen not to tell her, if Billy did not leave Victoria. After Victoria asked everyone to leave, she ended up in the dark wrapped up in a blanket on the living room floor. Billy came home, and Victoria reacted violently when he woke her up. Later when Billy refused to leave unless Victoria threw him out, Victor told Victoria that Billy had known that he was in L.A. Victoria shot back that Victor didn't bother to tell anyone the truth when he returned, so he had obviously been threatening Billy with the secret. Victoria continued to have nightmares, and after refusing to seek therapy, Billy tried to talk her through her fears, being able to relate with his captivity in Myanmar. Billy failed to woo Victoria with a Jamaican setup in their living room, then bought tickets to go there, which Victoria refused. But after a disagreement with Victor who still expected her to fight for Newman, she agreed to go to Jamaica with Billy for Christmas to escape all the family pressure. But after Victor tried to make peace again by inviting them both to he and Nikki's remarriage on Valentine's Day, Victoria decided she wanted to stay home and have a family Christmas.

As Jack went off to rehab for addiction to pain killers, Billy promised him he would help Adam run Newman in his absence. Meanwhile Victor persuaded Victoria that the time was right to help him take back Newman. When they realized they were on opposite sides once again, Billy told Victoria he would do his best to keep Jabot from being merged with Newman, and she promised to do her best to keep Victor from getting Jabot too.

Jack returned from detox. Remorseful about taking over Newman, alienating friends and family, and firing people, Jack admitted that he was not a man John Abbott would have been proud of. Jack told Phyllis, Billy and Adam that he was walking away from Newman, leaving Billy and Adam in charge as Co-CEO's, and returning as CEO of Jabot. Adam called an emergency board meeting where he was voted the sole CEO of Newman and Billy was fired. When putting together his team to run Jabot, Jack hired Billy and Kyle, and Neil was made head of the new fashion division with Cane and Lily under him. A few months later, Abby returned to Genoa City and convinced Jack that she had finally grown up and to work for him at Jabot.

Victor and Nikki were married, they claimed for the final time, at their new house on Newman ranch. Adam crashed the reception, toasted the bride and groom and Victor's rise to greatness, then alluded to something Victor did New Year's eve, before Billy ushered him out.

Meanwhile, a man named Bob who was hired to pose as a waiter, set a timer on an explosive device, and attempted to leave. Nick recognized and stopped him, he pulled a gun, and Billy jumped him. Victor walked into the room, Bob pointed the gun at Victor, Adam jumped between them and took the bullet for his father. Alex and Nick subdued Bob, and an ambulance was called. Everyone was ushered out of the house when gas was smelled, but Victor refused to leave Adam, and Nikki refused to leave Victor. Meanwhile Billy went to investigate. Billy shut off the gas, then discovered the explosive with its timer nearly run out. Holding his breath, Billy guessed and cut the red wire, and became the second hero of the day.

At Genoa City Memorial, Dr. Costner removed the bullet from Adam, finding bone fragments from a shattered rib which had damaged Adam's lungs. In the waiting room, Chelsea lit into Victor, reminding him that he and Adam had both grown up without their fathers, and how Adam was routinely shunned. Following surgery, only one person was allowed in to see Adam, and Chelsea magnanimously allowed it to be Sharon. Adam told Sharon to take charge of Newman for him, then went into a coma. Later at home, Victoria hugged Billy and decided that life was too short, and that she and Billy needed to try in vetro fertilization to have a baby of their own. Victoria began the necessary hormone treatments.

After Adam awoke from his coma, he and Victor made up and agreed to run Newman together. Victor announced their reunion to the family, asking Nick, Victoria, and Abby to return to the family business, but they declined. Nikki agreed to give Adam another chance, and he was invited to a family birthday dinner which was held for Nikki at On the Boulevard. Victoria surprised everyone by announcing that she was returning to work at Newman. She and Billy fought about it after they got home. The next day Victor discussed it with her, and Victoria admitted that she was resentful of his faith in Adam whom she was sure would only screw him over again. Victor felt insulted that she didn’t think he knew what he was doing, and told her that maybe she should just stay home and make a baby as planned.

Barry Cantrell, an old gambling friend of Billy's, turned out to be the owner of the new Genoa City restaurant, On the Boulevard. Barry talked Michael, Billy, Adam, Mason, and his bartender Carmine into a poker game. Each hand ended in Billy versus Adam, and Billy won big. After everyone else had left, they played one more hand. Barry suddenly threw the keys to On the Boulevard into the pot, shocking Adam and Billy. Billy, through prior experience with Barry, called his bluff with a straight, and Barry lost with two pair, making Billy the owner of the restaurant. Adam congratulated Billy, reminding him that he still had to explain it to Victoria. The next morning, Billy told Victoria he had bought the restaurant. Billy was willing to let Barry back out of the deal, but Barry said he always paid his debts, and signed the place over to Billy. Fighting the urge to gamble for the cash to help him out, Billy hoped to bring in Jack and Kyle when it became evident that the restaurant had been mismanaged and needed some work. Meanwhile, his conniving bartender, Carmine began taunting Billy, getting him to play poker with him for his pay and losing. Then Ken, an old gambling buddy of Billy's, tempted him into gambling again. Billy lost a lot of money, and Victor caught him leaving the guest room area of the Athletic Club.

As Adam was blackmailing Billy with the knowledge of his renewed gambling to get Victoria to get off his back, Victoria was hiring a detective to find out where Adam got the money to buy out the Newman stockholders. Billy was able to convince Victoria that she was becoming obsessive about Adam again, and she agreed to back off. But when she commented that maybe she could give her father something Adam couldn't with a Newman heir, Billy became upset and told her to forget using him by trying to make a baby. Since Adam and Victoria just could not get along, and she realized Billy was right, that she had become obsessed, Victoria again quit Newman.

The more Victoria gave up for Billy, the more Billy gambled and lost using money taken from the till at On the Boulevard, and he was mysteriously absent when she needed him. But after witnessing Billy's elusive behavior, Victoria accused him of fooling around on her, causing Billy to admit that he was hooked on gambling again, and had actually won the club in a poker game. Victoria adamantly refused to believe him, until Billy realized that she was in denial of the truth. Billy admitted what was going on to his mother, Jill, who was more understanding, telling her that he was actually ahead and not in debt, for the moment. Jill warned him that he would lose his family and everything he had if he did not stop. Billy was trying, turning down offers for high stakes games.

When Victoria finally believed him, she said they were through and made Billy leave. Victoria then realized that she might be pregnant and took a pregnancy test. Billy came home and found the package, greeting Victoria with joy that she was pregnant. But Victoria said she was not, and glad of it. Victoria took Johnny and left for Washington, D.C. to spend some time with Reed. Billy visited Nikki to try to get her to persuade Victoria to give him another chance, and they ended up commiserating over their addictions. Nikki was brought to tears as Billy described how euphoric it was to win, and how devastating and ashamed he was to lose. But Victor interrupted and threw him out of the house, calling Billy a loser and a worthless addict. After Victoria walked in and caught Billy accepting his gambling winnings at the club, Victor was seen by viewers on the phone getting the news that his setting up Billy had worked.

Trying to get back in Victoria's good graces, Billy proposed a deal to Melanie Daniels that she sue Adam for sexual harassment, assuming that the scandal would get Adam kicked out of Newman, and Victoria would take his place. The EEOC took Melanie's case, and she was also planning a civil suit. Adam overheard Melanie and Billy scheming and warned her not to even try to go against him, so Melanie went to Paul and filed rape charges. Adam was arrested and hired Leslie as his lawyer. But later Billy recorded Adam trying to pay off Melanie to drop the charges. He took it to Victor looking for a deal, hoping to get Victoria reinstated at Newman, if Adam were kicked out. Instead Victor decided to publicly back Adam. When Victoria found out she was impressed at the lengths Billy would take to make her happy, and he managed to charm her into reconciling again. When Victor found out, he was livid, and threatened to bring their marriage to an end.

Seven-year-old Delia was cast as the wicked witch of the west in the school play of The Wizard of Oz. Billy and Chloe enjoyed helping Delia rehearse her lines, and she was a natural little 'ham'. Billy even surprised them both with a dog in the likeness of "Toto" to enhance her part. Due to its love to escape, the dog was named Dash, and went home to live with Billy and Victoria. The night of the play came, and Delia was a hit, getting a standing ovation from the crowd. Afterward, Chloe and Kevin caught a late movie, and Victoria waited at home with a party for the arrival of Billy, Delia, and Dash. Billy stopped to pick up ice cream, leaving Delia and Dash in the car, because she would not leave him there alone. But when Delia let Dash out of the car to relieve himself, he ran across the road. Delia ran after him, and was stuck by a car. Billy found the car door open and discovered Delia beside the road. During the five minute wait for the ambulance, Billy visualized the welcome home party that was supposed to be, being the protective father before Delia's first date as a prankster teenager, her college graduation party after getting her business degree with honors, Delia's choosing to work with Billy at his renamed club "Dad and Delia", Delia announcing her engagement and looking forward to a family life like Billy had, walking her down the aisle at her wedding, dancing at the reception, Delia's first baby, a son she named William, then their painful parting as she and her family were moving to California. Although she had not spoken or moved, Delia was still alive when ambulance arrived, but she died from massive injuries later at the hospital.

Billy blamed himself for leaving Delia alone in the car, as did Chloe who was inconsolable, refusing to leave the trauma room where Delia had died. She lashed out when approached about organ donation, then finally was allowed to see her daughter's body. Jack found Billy sitting on the side of the road at the accident site and took Billy home. Victoria later found Billy watching videos of Delia over and over. Once Chloe found out that her best friend Chelsea's baby, Connor, needed a cornea transplant, she agreed to donate Delia's. The transplant was successful and Connor was able to see thanks to Delia.

The day of the funeral, Ashley arrived, and all the Abbotts gathered to help Billy through it, beginning with a traditional Abbott family breakfast. Traci was supportive, retelling how she made it through her experience with losing Colleen. Reed arrived, and seeing Billy's reluctance to attend the funeral, he told Billy it was okay to be afraid. But Billy showed up and united with Chloe to honor their daughter, while Adam stood outside the chapel door, guilt-ridden. The Abbott, Newman, Chancellor, and Winters families attended. Chloe read the poem that Delia had written for Katherine's funeral "Being Free", and she placed Pinkerton Pony with Delia so that he could watch over her as she slept. Delia was eulogized as a "beautiful bubble of giggles and joy." Afterward Jill and Esther held a tea party at the Chancellor estate in Delia's honor where the guests all wore red boas and fancy hats, and a cup of tea was placed for Delia as well. In a rare Victor moment, he said to Billy, "You're facing something no father should have to face today, and did it with dignity and courage. Your dad would have been proud of you." Later Adam wept as he visited the roadside shrine of photos, candles, cards, a Wizard of Oz program, balloons, stuffed animals, and flowers; and Adam left white a rose.

Days later, Delia's dog "Dash" showed up at home. Billy hugged him, but could not bear the reminder, so Victoria found Dash a new home. Billy had a hard time understanding why the police were unable to find the hit and run driver, bought a gun and began posting a messages online looking for vengeance – a message board that Adam was monitoring. Dylan McAvoy befriended Billy, and eventually Billy realized that he needed help, so he and Victoria began attending grief counseling. A fellow group member, Kelly Andrews, began helping Billy to realize that he was not alone in that she had lost her young son Sam who was killed while riding his bike, and Billy asked Victoria to let him attend them alone.

Victoria resented Billy meeting with Kelly until she realized how much Kelly was helping Billy to cope. But after talking to Jack and Nick who cautioned him about getting involved with Kelly to overcome his grief and the possibility of losing Victoria and Johnny, Billy came home with a Charlie Brown Christmas tree and told Victoria how important she was to him. But while Victoria waited for her plane fly to D.C. to see Reed, Billy ran into Kelly who was crying and alone on Christmas. He took her home to her apartment, and in a weak moment, they ended up having sex. After her flight was grounded by weather, Billy arrived home to find Victoria, and guiltily promised to change and never let her down again. The next day he gave her roses, and Victoria was so delighted that when she ran into Kelly later, she invited Kelly to dinner. Then Victoria included Dr. Ben "Stitch" Rayburn when he dropped off her lost cell phone. The get-together became very uncomfortable for everyone but Victoria. When Victoria brought down baby Johnny, Kelly got emotional and left, and Dr. Ben left soon afterward, leaving Victoria and Billy to have dinner alone.

The next day Billy met with Kelly where she worked at GC Cares, and Kelly asked Billy to become the director of the Delia Project which was being funded by an anonymous donor. After telling him that his mother Jill had agreed to be on the board and had suggested him as director, Billy accepted. While Kelly was out of the room, Billy was shocked to see a paper on her desk signed by Adam Newman as the benefactor of the Delia Project. Billy confronted Adam, assuming that Adam had done it to repay them for Delia's corneas.

Billy talked with Kevin who told him that the license plate number of the hit and run vehicle may have begun with a 6. After Billy observed that Adam's license plate started with the number 6, he put it together with Adam's comment about balancing the karmic scales, and realized that Adam had been the driver. Billy confronted Adam and used his gun to get Adam into his SUV to drive to the accident site. Adam broke down and confessed, telling Billy how it happened, that it was an accident, and he had not known that he had hit anyone. But he swore that he had been on his way to confess to the police, unable to bear the guilt any longer. Billy sobbed, telling Adam he should just shoot him and leave him alone there to die. But Billy made Adam drive to Delia's school, sobbing and threatening to kill him. Driving along, Adam told Billy he was also guilty for leaving Delia alone in the car. Billy reacted and Adam grabbed the gun, the car swerved, the gun went off, and the car headed down a ravine at the river and flipped over. Billy got out hurt but Adam was trapped inside. Paul and Nick arrived, and failed to pull him out of the car but got to safety before it started on fire and blew up. Hours later, Billy showed up at home, in a heap at the front door, and Victoria was relieved to pull him inside. Billy mumbled something about Adam, went into shock, and passed out. Chief of police, Paul, was there when he came to, asking what had happened. Billy explained that Adam had been the hit and run driver, how he had coerced him into going to the accident site and her school, and how Adam had run off the road and the SUV crashed. Billy had crawled out and made it to the road where he was picked up by a trucker who dropped him off at his house. Victoria took Billy to the hospital where they kept him over night to keep an eye on him. The next day Billy and Victoria reconnected, and Jack, Jill and Kelly visited him. The police brought by a gun found at the scene which Billy ID'd as probably his, and explained the one round fired recently as it must have gone off in the crash. Victoria asked about the gun, and Billy admitted that he had had it since Myanmar.

Billy and Victoria attended the Delia Project Valentine's Day benefit. They all ended up being taken hostage in a botched robbery attempt by Richard Womack. Womack fired at the chandelier, which fell on Billy, injuring him. Then when Billy tried to jump Womack, he kicked Billy, breaking some ribs. Victoria cradled Billy while Kelly tried to administer first aid. Billy began babbling, apologized, and confessed to sleeping with Kelly. Victoria told Kelly to get her hands off her husband, slapped Kelly, and called her a tramp. After everyone was let go in an exchange for a plane to escape, Colin Atkinson jumped out from where he had been hiding, and Womack was killed as he and Colin struggled over the gun.

Later at the hospital, Billy did not remember his admission until Jack filled him in, and he left Billy and Victoria alone to talk it out. Victoria asked if the dirty deed had taken away Billy's pain, and Billy had to admit that it had only made him feel worse. Ben became concerned for Victoria, and while consoling her they ended up in a kiss. Victoria admitted it to Billy, and they fought, then made love. Billy angrily warned Ben to stay away from his wife. But when Victoria found out that Billy had gone to console Kelly, she accused him of putting Kelly first and kicked him out. Billy went to Jack for a place to stay, lamenting how he had failed Delia, Victoria, and Kelly, and asked Jack for help.

Telling Billy that she was considering divorce and needed some time apart to think, Victoria went to Washington D.C. with Johnny to see Reed. When she returned, bringing Reed back with her, Victoria presented Billy with separation papers, which he reluctantly signed. Thanks to his mother Jill's advice to commit to changing to get Victoria back, he sold On The Boulevard, and went to work for Jack, taking Phyllis' former job as head of research and development at Jabot. But after Billy found out that Stitch and Victoria had been seen drunk and stumbling out of bar together, Billy accused her of sleeping with Stitch, and she admitted it. Victoria told him that she still loved Billy and wanted to ask him back, but he had betrayed her too many times, so she was filing for divorce. Billy picked up the rest of his things and left, saying he hoped that he would still be invited to Johnny's upcoming birthday party.

Victor threw an engagement party for Abby and Tyler at Newman Ranch, and all the Newmans and Abbotts were in attendance and remarkably friendly. Billy and Victoria were overcome by all the talk of love and toasting the happy couple, left the house, and kissed outside. But Victoria let Billy know that it meant nothing, much as she loved him, she was moving on and about to go on a date with Stitch. Billy went to Chelsea's to see Connor, explaining that he had seen so much bad since Delia's death, that he wanted to see some good. Chelsea was reluctant to let him in, but seeing his pain, she let him see Connor. They had a couple drinks and laughs, and were about to share a pizza and a movie when Billy kissed her. Chelsea angrily asked Billy to leave. Then Connor started choking. They rushed him to the hospital, and he was diagnosed with a bad case of croup.

Determined to win Victoria back, Billy confronted Stitch, telling him that he intended to find out what was in his past that he did not want anyone to know. Stitch told him to look all he wanted, that he would not find a thing, so Billy began searching the Internet.

Chloe propositioned Billy to make another child together. Billy told her that she was crazy, they could not replace Delia. Chloe said that she could not go on without a baby. Chloe got Billy drunk, trying to get pregnant, but he passed out. Later, Chloe got amorous with him again after giving him a aphrodisiac, but Billy sent her away. Billy spoke with Chelsea, and they realized that Chloe was only getting worse in her obsession to have a baby to replace Delia. They convinced the family to help get her admitted to Fairview Sanitarium, and staged an intervention. But Chloe found out and disappeared. Kevin tracked her to their favorite movie theater, and she agreed to being admitted. But Chloe decided that she needed to get away from all the reminders of Delia, so was admitted to a facility in California.

Billy began spending more and more time with Chelsea and Connor. Then, after discovering that Victoria was pregnant, Billy went home elated. But Victoria had to break it to him that the baby might belong to Stitch, and that they had to wait until she was 14 weeks along to do a DNA test. Billy became upset and unsure if he could accept another man's child, but Victoria reminded him how she had accepted Johnny, the child he had with Chelsea.

Billy became all the more determined to expose Stitch, and enlisted Chelsea's help. They went to Melbourne, Australia, to speak to his ex-wife Jenna. But Jenna saw thru them and kicked them out without telling them anything. They decided that the only way to find out more about Ben was to investigate Kelly. Searching online, they discovered that her son Sam had a memorial site, and it mentioned her husband Ben. Later, hearing Billy talk about his undying love for Victoria, Chelsea kissed him. On Billy's return, Victoria told him that spying on Ben was the last straw, and she was filing for divorce.

Billy talked Kevin into investigating Ben Rayburn, and Kevin discovered that Ben and Kelly were actually brother and sister. Kevin had more information, but Billy decided it was time to grow up and not hear any more, and he left. But he later told Victoria about Ben and Kelly.

Convinced that he and Victoria were through, Billy went to Chelsea, who gave him a shoulder massage, and they ended up making love. Afterward, Chelsea was disappointed when Billy told her it was a mistake, and it would never happen again. Victoria walked in on them discussing it later, and lit into Billy that as always, he finds a warm bed with a willing woman when he has a problem.

After finding out the truth from Chelsea, Billy confronted Ben in front of Victoria, Jack and Kelly, and got Ben to admit that he was living under his dead friend's identity and had killed his own father. Ben explained that his father had been a mean and abusive drunk, that Ben had found him drinking in the shed, they argued and fought, his father had passed out after hitting Ben, a kerosene stove had been knocked over that went up in flames, but it had been an accident. Because the prosecution said they had evidence that would convict him, Ben had confessed to knocking his dad out and setting the fire to save his family an ugly trial, and he served his sentence. Victoria walked out, fed up with them all. Ben accused Billy of not thinking of Victoria, but Billy maintained that Ben was dangerous. Kelly said he was not dangerous, and Billy countered with, then why did she tell Ben's wife so that she took his kid to the other side of the world. Billy was shocked to discover that Jack and Kelly had known and not told him, so told them they could both go to hell. Billy later gloated to Nick that Victoria would eventually thank him and forgive him for saving her from the likes of Ben.

Billy took great joy from publicly exposing Ben's past in front of Ben's boss Dr. Barton, causing Ben to lose a promotion and give his resignation. Ben took Billy to task later, asking why he had ruined his life over something he had paid for and more than made up for in saving lives as a doctor. Ben reminded Billy that he had been his own doctor as well as Delia's, which caused Billy to break down and cry.

Billy admitted to Chelsea that he would never be able to accept Victoria's baby if it turned out to be Ben's. Chelsea, feeling that she was becoming too involved with Billy, who needed to concentrate on his pregnant wife, decided to spend some time in Los Angeles working on her line with Forrester Creations. And Billy and Victoria began to bond again. Billy was crushed when the divorce papers arrived for him to sign, but after failing to dissuade Victoria, he reluctantly signed them. Ashley consoled Billy to never give up, and that maybe she could help keep Ben away from Victoria for him. Later Billy shared with Chelsea that his divorce had become final, and when she returned to town, they began to date openly.

Billy and Victoria attended the ceremony held by the school for the one year anniversary of Delia's death. Her former teacher handed Billy a paper Delia had written called "Lots of Stuff I know for Sure" which was very insightful. Later Billy saw Delia, and said that he wanted to be the kind of man that she believed he could be. Delia said that she had come back to help him, suggesting he stay close to his family who were there to help, and disappeared saying "Happy thoughts, Daddy." Jack announced a new Delia project enhancement, a children's theater, with final donations courtesy of Victor and Nikki. Later Billy visited Chelsea and Connor, telling her that she was an incredible friend and that he loved her. Chelsea asked Billy to move in, and after telling Victoria first, he did. Victoria made peace with Billy, and both decided to have their ring tattoos removed.

Early one morning when Victoria failed to pick up Johnny or answer her cell phone, Billy went to her house and met Ben looking for her too. Ben and Billy found her car in the Jabot garage, but no sign of her in her office. After hearing her phone ringing in the trash can, Billy and Ben eventually found Victoria locked in a maintenance closet and in labor. They ended up delivering her baby girl in the parking garage. Victoria named her daughter Katherine (in honor of Katherine Chancellor) Rose (after Delia's favorite flower) Newman, to be called "Katie". Billy was ecstatic when the paternity test results named him as the father. Victoria and Ben began spending more time together, Billy apologized to Ben for exposing his past, and Billy and Victoria decided that Katie's last name would be Abbott-Newman. Feeling threatened, Chelsea designed and made a christening gown for Katie, but Billy assured her that "Katie" was not going to reunite him and Victoria. Katie was christened with Jack as her godfather and Abby her godmother. Billy was not pleased when afterward, Victoria asked Ben to move in with her. Nor was he with the fact that Gabriel seemed to be spending too much time with Chelsea, then moved into the penthouse across the hall from them. But he was relieved to find out that Gabriel and Sage were married and both would be living there.

On Valentines Day, Billy visited Delia's memorial on what would have been her birthday, leaving her a copy of the plaque that had been placed on the children's theater which had been built in her memory. Delia appeared to Billy, and asked him if he had forgiven Adam yet. Billy told her that was something he had not done, but would work on it for her. Billy walked in to find Chelsea hugging Gabriel, but she explained it away.

Later, an apartment below Chelsea's penthouse caught on fire, Chelsea got Johnny outside, and ran into Gabriel. Upon learning that Connor was still inside with Billy, Gabriel heroically went into the building racing up the stairs through the smoke to the penthouse. He found Billy passed out on the floor and Connor in his playpen with a sheet draped over the top. Unable to carry them both, he grabbed Connor and got him safely down to Chelsea. Then Gabriel went back for Billy, and as he woke Billy up and got him out, Gabriel commented that he did not come back just to die like this, and that he and Billy were now even. Later Billy remembered it and asked him what he meant, but Gabriel told him he just meant coming back into the building. Chelsea thanked Gabriel and called him a hero. Victoria arrived and made a fuss over Billy, then took Johnny home. As the EMT was checking out Gabriel, Billy noticed a nasty scar from a bullet wound in Gabriel's side. Connor was kept overnight at the hospital, and Billy and Chelsea stayed there with him. Billy, Chelsea, and Connor went to stay at Abbott manor. With the athletic club full, Billy invited Sage and Adam to stay there too. Billy felt that Gabriel seemed familiar to him. Billy researched Gabriel, finding him described as a funny adventurous playboy, which did not sound like the Gabriel he knew, who had dropped out of the headlines the past year. Jealous and suspicious of Gabriel's attention to Chelsea, Billy proposed, and Chelsea accepted. They decided to get married in 30 days with Gabriel as Billy's best man. But the more each thought about it, they decided not to rush, and postponed the wedding.

Billy shocked Ashley with the surveillance video showing Jack using his thumbprint to enter the server room at the time Jabot's computer system was hacked. Then Victor showed them the Newman surveillance showing Jack entering their server room as well, entering the necessary code.

Jack returned from his honeymoon in St. Barts to Victor's accusation of hacking his computer system. Jack smugly suggested Victor talk to Jack's lawyer. Later Billy and Ashley tried get Jack to step down as Jabot CEO. Instead Jack fired Billy, and told them the war was over, a truce had been called, and Jack had make a deal with Victor to merge their companies into Newman-Abbott Enterprises. Victor setup Victoria as C.O.O. and she took over Ashley's office, relegating her to the lab, and reporting to Victoria. Both Abby and Ben ended up reporting to Victoria too, and Victoria began treating them all less than fair. Victoria, over Ashley's objections, pulled Hex from the market after it got bad reviews on social media. Billy was suspicious of the Jack/Victor alliance, and convinced that something was not right, allied with Phyllis to find out what it was.

Since they were both unemployed, Billy suggested they elope and take a long honeymoon. But after Billy overheard Chelsea telling Gabriel to forget that they had sex, that it had meant nothing. Billy promised Chelsea she would get a real wedding, and exactly what she deserved. He asked Gabriel to be his best man, but Gabriel declined, so Jack filled in. But when it was time to take their vows, Billy turned on Chelsea, saying no way in hell would he marry her, announcing to the guests that Chelsea had sex with Gabriel. Billy recounted all of Chelsea's sins, and that the only person she had really loved was a snake like Adam Newman. Everyone exited, leaving Chelsea in tears. Gabriel and Billy fought later, and Gabriel let him know that seeing Victoria and Billy kissing had been what had sent Chelsea to Gabriel.

Jack suddenly apologized to Billy and asked him to return to his job, promising that he was going to knuckle down to keep the Abbott in Newman-Abbott and needed his help. Jack called a meeting with Chelsea, Gabriel, Billy, Kyle, with a hospitalized Ashley to be filled in later, convincing them it was time to overthrow the king and take the company for themselves. He explained how the money that he had Kyle draw to buy a shipping company actually was transferred into a dummy account in Victor's name, and how they were going to be diverting funds to the account to take Victor down for grand larceny and corporate fraud. Billy was tasked with keeping Victoria from finding out, and Jack insisted that Billy and Gabriel bury the hatchet. When Jack told Ashley the plan, she refused to be involved, calling it illegal embezzlement, but Billy talked her into it. Gabriel later shocked Billy, Ashley, and Chelsea by telling them that he was Jack's son. Ashley insisted on a paternity test, but the test results matched Jack with Gabriel.

Jack was found shot in the park by Gabriel, had surgery and lapsed into a coma. Jack woke up long enough to identify Victor as the shooter, then went back into the coma. Billy was disappointed to find out that Victoria had lied and given Victor an alibi for the night that Jack Abbott was shot, and Victoria that Billy had been a part of the framing of Victor for embezzlement. Billy, Ashley, and Phyllis compared notes about how different Jack had been lately. Phyllis said she had seen the old Jack that day, and recalled how his face had lit up seeing her. Jack had been just about to tell her something important when he got a text, and rushed off saying he had to confirm some things before he could tell her more.

After his arrest, Victor made Gabriel C.E.O. Gabriel made Abby C.O.O., promising Victoria a new position. But Gabriel allowed Billy to stay on as head of R&D, telling him to step it up. Neil quit his C.F.O. position, but Nick returned and took his place. Billy and Victoria vowed to work together to stop Gabriel. Nick and Victoria began staging friction between them to throw Gabriel off. But when Gabriel heard that Jack was out of his coma, he stepped down as CEO of Newman-Abbott, but Victor surprised everyone when he asked Gabriel to stay on with the company. With Abby as C.O.O. Victoria found herself competing daily with her, and working more and more with Billy. Of course they were drawn back together, and Billy spent the night. When they showed up in Victor's office late, Victor guessed they were involved again and threatened "Billy Boy". Jack and Victor drew up an agreement to dissolve the merger of Newman and Jabot.

Victoria and Billy, still getting closer even though they were adversaries in business, celebrated what would have been their fifth wedding anniversary by making love again.

Billy was shocked when Chelsea admitted that Gabriel Bingham was Adam after plastic surgery and still alive. Billy tracked down Adam and confronted him. They argued about Delia's death and the car crash when Billy had shot Adam, but Victor showed up and took over. Billy was ready to kill Adam, until Victoria reasoned with him, and asked him to come back home. When the truth came out about the car crash, Billy was brought in for questioning about the shooting, if he had intended to kill Adam. But Adam told Paul they wrestled for the gun and it went off, his being shot had not been intentional. So Billy was not arrested.

Adam and Ian Ward unleashed a computer virus on Newman Enterprises, intending to ruin him. As Newman subsidiaries were put up for sale at ridiculous prices, Billy, in Ashley's absence, began buying them up. Jack ordered Ashley to sell them back, but she refused. Jack took it to the board, but Traci's vote overruled Jack to keep the sale. And when Ashley returned, she confirmed that Billy had been following her orders.

For the memorial of the second anniversary of Delia's death, the family planted a gingko tree in Chancellor Park in Delia's honor. Adam crashed the ceremony trying to apologize and explain, and with everyone yelling at him to leave, Chloe approached. Chloe spat, "You may have a different face, but you are still the same insincere bastard you have always been." Chloe pulled a gun on him. Billy and Esther begged Chloe not to shoot, but Adam asked her to please do it, admitting that it was exactly what he deserved. Chelsea got between them, reminding her best friend that Delia had been forgiving and compassionate and would want him to live. Kevin was able to take the gun from Chloe to turn in to the police, and they left together.

Chelsea testified at Adam's trial saying how much she loved him, how much he loves children, and that he had even delivered hers and Sage's babies under dire circumstances. Adam testified explaining how the accident had happened, how a dog had dashed out in front of his car, he had stopped to see if it was okay, then driven on. Adam took full responsibility, but swore he had not known that Delia had been stuck, and was so sorry. Later when Michael offered to try to cut him a deal on a lesser charge, Adam refused to let him. The next day Billy broke down on the stand, saying that he shared responsibility for not taking better care of Delia, asking the jury to forgive Adam. Afterward, Billy told Adam he did not do it for him, but for his daughter and for himself. The jury quickly reached a guilty verdict. At sentencing Kevin asked, on his step daughter Delia's behalf, that they punish Adam to fullest extent of the law. Jack asked for leniency. Victor reminded the jury that his son had taken full responsibility for the tragic accident, and that his reactions were from grief and had not been malicious. Esther exclaimed that she would never forgive him. Chelsea begged for mercy for their family unit. Adam said that he deserved the guilty verdict, but pled for mercy for his son, saying how he had grown up without a father, and did not want the same for his son. Adam was sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary. As he was taken from the courtroom, Adam asked Chelsea to tell their son Connor every day that he loved him. But as Adam was being escorted from the jail he was intentionally struck by a white sedan. Suffering with internal injuries, Adam was taken into surgery. When Billy showed up at the hospital, Victor blamed him and demanded that Billy be arrested. Chloe was later discovered to have been the driver.

Billy decided to sell back the Newman acquisitions for what they paid, and Ashley agreed that keeping them was just wrong. The Jabot subsidiaries started being sold off too. Kevin declared that he could kill the virus if both Newmans and Abbotts started working together

The annual Delia Halloween costume party benefit was held at Top of the Tower, and everyone attended, Billy dressed as a man out of a Dickens, and Victoria in an Indian sari. A fire broke out on the floors just below them, cutting them off from the floor where their children were having their own party. Victor and Billy went down after Jack and the children but found Adam. They helped Adam get to the roof where Victor encouraged Adam to take the helicopter and run away from his prison sentence. Billy objected, but Adam refused anyway. Receiving word that their children were safe below, Billy and Victoria boarded the helicopter, and they were reunited at the hospital.

Billy suggested that Newman temporarily move into Jabot's building. Victor refused, Victoria threatened to quit if he was going to be so stubborn. Victor later made a big show of accepting the offer in his granddaughter Katie's name at her birthday party.

Due to Adam's heroic actions when he could have run away, and some blackmail of the appeals judge by Victor, Adam's sentence was reduced to five years and 1,000 hours of community service, with a stern warning that the smallest infraction would send him back to prison. Billy appeared to accept the decision, but when Jack only wanted to play nice, Billy joined Phyllis to bring down Victor by using Paragon.

When Jack returned from Geneva he was quite upset with Phyllis and Billy for sending him on a wild goose chase so they could do more damage to Newman with Paragon; therefore exposing Jabot to a lawsuit, and he fired Billy from Jabot. Victoria told Billy they were through and it was time Billy quit using Delia's death to excuse everything he did. Billy started drinking and ended up with a DUI and his driver's license revoked after hitting a road sign. Billy continued to get drunk and gamble until Jill had a heart to heart with him. Billy became determined to change and win Victoria back. He was alone at the bar pondering a drink until he was joined by Traci who convinced him he needed to be with Victoria on Christmas eve. Billy went to the house with an armload of presents, and was caught by Victoria.

Billy overheard Kevin and Mariah discussing a new project called Pass Key, and he asked to invest. Kevin turned him down, but when he needed two million to finance it, he asked Billy for it. Billy went to his bookie Gil and placed a bet hoping to win the two million. When his horse didn't win, Billy was unable to cover the bet. He went to Jack for the $200,000 he owed, but Jack turned him down. On New Year's Eve, with his niece Abby's wedding going on upstairs, Billy got beaten up in the parking garage, and left unconscious. Noah left the wedding, and finding his car partially blocked in, Noah backed up unknowingly hitting Billy. Victoria and Jill hovered over a comatose Billy who had injuries to his cervical spine and direct trauma to his skull. After being saved when Billy went into cardiac arrest, his doctors wanted to perform surgery to relieve the pressure on his brain. Ashley suggested Dr. Neville try his coma method on Billy. Abby's new husband Dr. Ben concurred with Billy's doctors, so the family agreed to the surgery. During surgery Billy again went into cardiac arrest, they had to use paddles to bring him back, and he was left with little brain activity. Jack was shocked that he had been named as Billy's healthcare power of attorney and agonized over the decision to take him off life support after conferring with his deceased father John's presence. Jill sobbed that she would fight him in court and tried to coerce Dr. Neville into curing him. But he told her it was too late. Billy's loved ones all said goodbye, and his life support was shut down. Viewers watched Billy have an out-of-body experience walking among his loved ones in the waiting room. As each told how sorry they were they had not helped Billy more, Billy told them he was just a screw-up and not to blame themselves. His daughter Katie looked at him and said her first word, "Dada". Billy saw Delia, adorned in Katherine's rings, who told him she was all right, to go back and fix it.

Suddenly Billy started breathing on his own, and later came out of the coma with Victoria at his bedside. Victoria and Billy vowed to reunite. Kevin admitted that he had given up on Billy, and gotten Victor to back Pass Key, but that he had been dropped by Victor after Victor discovered that Keven had asked for an extra million dollars for himself. Phyllis later told Billy that she was the second investor in the deal, and that together the two of them were going to finally get revenge against Victor. Although he knew it would come between him and Victoria again, he agreed to the partnership with Phyllis. Billy also agreed to return to Jabot and work with Jack and Phyllis to rebuild the family business.

Billy wanted to remarry Victoria, but not until he felt worthy of her. After Delia visited him in a dream, telling him not to wait, Billy arranged a romantic Italian style Valentine dinner at the Top of the Tower, and his proposal was accepted.

Luca offered Billy proof to bring Victor down in exchange for a partnership in Pass Key. Billy accepted. Billy was incredulous that Jack had never had Victor arrested for replacing Jack with lookalike Marco for months, but understood when Jack said that he didn't want to humiliate Phyllis. Billy convinced Phyllis to expose Victor, and they told Jack together. Billy told Victoria what her father had done, giving her the evidence on a disk that would prove it. Phyllis with Billy at her side, reported the crime to Paul and Dylan. Victoria confronted Victor with the evidence. They were interrupted by Paul who arrested Victor after Victoria turned over the evidence.

Victoria realized that Phyllis and Billy had been in cahoots, secretly owning Pass Key while Natalie developed it for Newman, then expected it to become a Jabot product after Victor fired Natalie. Victor threatened to sue the Abbotts for corporate espionage. Victoria was livid with Billy for lying to her once again, and called off the engagement.

Since Jill and Colin spent most of their time between their homes in Hong Kong and Chicago, Jill signed over the Chancellor estate to Billy, making him promise to save a room for their visits. Billy renovated the place beyond recognition for himself and for visitation times with his kids. Phyllis showed up one night looking for consolation after a fight with Jack, and they sat on the floor in front of the fireplace, and ended up kissing. Both backed off, saying it would never happen again.

After Victor was convicted, Billy and Phyllis announced to the press the launch of Pass Key as Jabot's latest product, touting that the product would make all files, emails, and pictures 100% un-hackable. Victoria slapped Billy, calling him a liar and a thief for stealing Pass Key from Newman. Billy proclaimed they owned it legitimately, saying, "We won you lost." Victoria retorted that she was not a loser, and if the Abbotts wanted a war, it was on! She later came to Billy and offered a settlement to split the profits, but Billy refused. So Victoria hired the about-to-be disbarred Michael as advisor to the Newman lawyers

Newman sued, and Summer was pressured to not testify that they had conspired to double deal Pass Key between Billy and Victor. Summer lied to the police, but later felt guilty and told Victoria the truth, which led to Jack and Victoria agreeing to share profits from Pass Key so long as Billy was fired.

Billy gave up on getting Victoria back and became shamelessly hot for his sister-in-law Phyllis. The attraction was mutual, Phyllis kept fighting it, but she succumbed to him and they made love. But Phyllis was determined to keep Jack, and told Billy it could never happen again. Billy began seeing Bethany Bryant, a former waitress at On the Boulevard who had a crush on him, to make Phyllis jealous. Phyllis agreed to join him for a ride on Billy's new motorcycle, and they crashed. Phyllis walked away and called 911 for Billy, then disappeared. Billy's injuries were mostly road rash. Phyllis told Bethany that Billy would pay her $10,000 to say that she was the one who had been riding on the back.

Phyllis was obviously torn between being drawn to Billy and her love for Jack. But Billy and Phyllis kept up the affair, while Jack was continually being sweet and understanding. Jack arranged a getaway for the two of them. Phyllis guiltily refused to go, then spent the weekend with Billy. Jack and Phyllis went to the Abbott cabin to celebrate his birthday. When Jack showed up at the GCAC bar, Billy found out that Phyllis has stayed behind, so he joined her, suggesting they run away together. She asked Billy to leave, that she needed to be alone to decide what to do. Jack and Billy were together when they found out that Ian Ward was holding Phyllis and Nikki hostage at the cabin. After Victor showed up and convinced Ian to let the women go, Phyllis arrived at the Athletic Club and fell into Jack's arms rather than Billy's. The police captured Ian as Victor held a gun on him.

Jill was in town and lectured Billy again to get his act together. After he stood her up for dinner, Jill decided to exercise the clause in their contract where she could take back the estate at any time for any reason, and Billy gets her suite. Jill sent in a painter to return the estate to its original state.

Billy tried to talk Phyllis into running away together, but when Phyllis hedged, he told her he would make the decision for her, that they were done, to stay with Jack.

During Billy's lack of attention to Brash & Sassy, Jill and Cane bought up all his loans and managed a hostile takeover by Chancellor. Billy went ballistic as Jill informed him that he and Cane would be Co-CEO's of Brash & Sassy until Billy could prove himself competent.

After Victor was released from prison with time served, Phyllis showed up at Billy's telling him that Jack just did not understand her need for revenge. Phyllis said she had decided to be with Billy, she would break it to Jack the next day, and they made love. But instead she returned sobbing, telling Billy it was over, and she was returning to Jack. Jill came home to find Billy with a bottle, saying that he had it all and lost it again, that he could care less about Brash & Sassy or proving himself to his mother.

Cane made a deal to move Brash & Sassy into the vacant Jabot lab, too near to Phyllis. Cane showed Billy his marketing plan, but Billy was not impressed. Cane suggested they team up and prove themselves to Jill. Billy said no, he would rather watch Cane crash and burn.

Jill asked Victoria to head Brash & Sassy, but Victoria declined, so Jill got Victoria drunk on rum and told her about Billy's stupid marketing idea, sending a drunken Victoria straight to Billy. Billy explained that it was Cane's idea not his, and they realized they had been set up by Jill. They began reminiscing about their first island trip when they had gotten drunk on rum and got married, and they fell asleep together on Billy's office couch. The next morning Victoria resigned from Newman, and Victor wished her well, saying she had made a good decision. Victoria took the job at Brash & Sassy, the Co-CEO's became three, and competition among them was heightened. Brash & Sassy launched a new product "Bare" which became an overnight sensation.

Jack was shocked when Ashley told him that his brother Billy was in love with Phyllis, and they had been having an affair. Jack punched Billy and cut all ties with him. Jack confronted Phyllis, and told her that she had ruined anything they had and that they were over.

In January 2017, a 15-year-old Reed showed up at Victoria's door in Genoa City with a police officer, having gotten there by bus without his parent's knowledge. He explained that J.T. and Mac were having another baby and were moving to Warsaw, Poland, and he did not want to go but wanted to live with her. Victoria and J.T. agreed to let Reed stay with Victoria, but she came to resent the way Reed was only interested in playing his guitar, being on the Internet, and bonding with Billy, not her. Unknown to her, Reed was charging online porn to Victoria's credit card and slipping booze into his soda. Reed was grounded when Victoria found out, but he managed to slip out to appear at an Open Mike Night at The Underground singing and playing his guitar. Billy intervened and talked Victoria into trying to encourage Reed in his music instead of making him hate her for punishing him all the time.

When Jill needed money to buy 49% of Fenmore's back from Jack, she offered Brash & Sassy for sale to Billy, Cane and Victoria. But Victoria decided that she wanted to buy it back herself. Unable to come up with the money anyway, Cane and Billy grudgingly agreed to stay on with Victoria as sole CEO.

Esther called Billy, telling him that Jill was having a heart attack. Jill refused to believe it until she woke up from surgery after stints had been inserted to correct the 80-100% blockage of her heart valves. She was shocked when her doctor told her she had to change her lifestyle completely, cut back her work schedule, no stress and no alcohol. Esther and Billy assured the doctor that Jill would comply. Billy and Esther banned Colin from visiting Jill, who had caused the attack by stealing all her money, packed up his things, and threw him out of the estate.

Victoria and Billy began to get close again, and it looked like they were about to get back together. Then after it was discovered that Adam's death a year ago had been murder, and by Chloe, Victoria began distancing herself from Billy. Phyllis came back into Billy's life, and they became lovers again. They were putting off telling Victoria and Jack, but Billy's nemesis Cane arranged for Victoria to discover them kissing in an elevator. Jack responded to the news with, "Good. You two deserve each other." It wasn't long before Billy moved in with Phyllis.

The Brash & Sassy team went to Los Angeles together for a commercial shoot starring Lily. Hilary pushed to premiere the commercial on the Hilary Hour. Juliet tried to get approval from the hockey league, but they went ahead, and it included a clip of Billy joking with hockey players about gambling. The league was furious. Victoria convinced them to stay with Brash & Sassy, but the commercial had to be killed, and she had to fire the person responsible. She fired Juliet, not Billy, promising her a glowing review. Instead Juliet sued Brash & Sassy for sexual harassment by Cane. Cane claimed there was no truth to the accusation. Billy met with Juliet expressing shock at the news. Juliet told Billy they should be allies because Cane had been trying to get him fired. As it turned out, Brash & Sassy had to pay a huge settlement when it was revealed that Juliet was pregnant, and Cane was fired.

Billy spotted Jesse, the guy who shot the hockey league footage, in town and talking with Cane. Billy and Victoria got him to hand over the original video and confess that Cane had paid him $25,000 to add the gambling footage to get Billy in trouble with the league. They told Lily and Lily finally tossed out Cane.

Phyllis discovered that Billy had been using her company laptop to login to the Jabot server copying restricted files to know what she and Jack were planning against Brash & Sassy. Afraid she would lose him to Victoria if she confronted Billy, Phyllis kept her knowledge to herself. But during an argument, it all came tumbling out, and Billy left. He tried to sweettalk Phyllis, reminding her that they were so much alike, and their own worst enemies.

Billy received a call for help from Reed who was trapped in a store room at The Underground with Mattie, Charlie, and the place was on fire. Reed called Billy for help, and Charlie left a voicemail for Cane. Billy got inside and rescued them, they got out, but when the building collapsed, Billy’s leg was pinned. Jack arrived, and emotionally insisted on going in. He talked to Billy about forgiveness, and they walked out together with Jack smiling and Billy limping. Billy hugged Phyllis, who told him he was still a bastard, but a damn lucky one. Also waiting was Victoria who slapped him for causing the toxicity of the Sassy Masks by using a non-regulated manufacturer, and fired him. Billy tried moving back to the Chancellor Estate, but found Cane and Juliet living there. Cane and Billy called a truce because of the rescues, and got drunk, Billy went to Phyllis begging her to forgive him, and he and Cane both ended up in jail.

The ever-charming Billy used every means to win Phyllis back. He bought her a race horse, then borrowed the Abbott jet to take her with Nick and Chelsea to New Orleans for Thanksgiving. Phyllis and Billy made up, and Billy moved back in with her. Billy and Cane even buried the hatchet after Billy rescued the twins from a burning building. As Jill left town after New Years Eve, he made Billy Co-CEO of Chancellor with Cane.

But after Jack was arrested and jailed for the attempted murder of Victor, and his son Kyle took over Jabot, Billy and Jack forgave each other and Billy agreed to return to Jabot as COO. Jack was released just in time to stop Kyle from taking Jabot public, and took over Jabot.

Billy took over as CEO of Jabot again after Dina disclosed that Jack was not John Abbott’s son, and the blood Abbot clause prevented Jack. He made a lot of changes including buying a company yacht named “Jaboat”. Summer returned home from Atlanta after a two year absence and moved back into her apartment where Billy and Phyllis had been living. It was awkward with the three of them living together, but Phyllis refused to move out, preferring to keep an eye on Summer.

Summer began spending a lot of time with Billy and kept coming on to him. Billy did all he could to avoid being alone with her. One night, Billy got a frantic call from Summer who had been playing high stakes poker and needed him to bail her out. Billy played poker for her, and won back the $10,000 she said she owed. Then he found out she had lost her entire trust fund to gambling which had begun in Belize. Billy’s old nemesis Sinead showed up and taunted him into playing. He ended up losing the company yacht “Jaboat”. Returning the next night to win it back, he lost even more. Billy submitted a fake invoice for repairs on Jaboat and used the money to win the yacht back. But as he was raking in his winnings, Phyllis showed up. She was livid that he had returned to gambling and told him they were through.

Summer took the opportunity to offer herself again, but Billy refused. Billy managed to win Phyllis back. She found out that Summer was trying to steal her man, and they fought. After hurling insults at each other, Phyllis sent Summer a text from Billy: “Meet me on Jaboat instead of Philly.” Summer found herself trapped on Jaboat for a weeklong cruise with no cell or wifi. When Billy returned, he was confronted by Phyllis. Billy admitted she had acted inappropriately with him, but he had never been interested. They decided it was time to move out, and Billy and Phyllis moved to Abbott Manor. Ashley tried to keep them out, but relented for Billy.

At Jabot Billy crowed that he was launching a chain of boutiques called "Jabotique" that catered exclusively to Jabot products. He signed leases in thirty cities across the country, all were in prime locations, hoping to open them for the holiday. The rest of the family said it was too big a risk. Lauren feared a negative impact on Fenmore’s. By spending money to lease space, there was none left to create product, so Billy cut back her budget. Ashley asked Phyllis to help her stop Billy. Ashley told Jack to have Dark Horse buy the leasing company and cancel Billy’s contracts. Dark Horse Acquired Capital leasing but Nick refused to cancel Billy’s leases.

Billy’s gambling rival Sinead offered Billy a seat at the biggest game with the biggest players in Las Vegas, an offer he could not refuse. Billy was up front with Phyllis about it, so she went along and sat it on the game. Billy won big, and Phyllis understood the rush as they celebrated in their hotel room together. Billy named a new fragrance “Forbidden” after Phyllis. Following that high, his race horse named Philly lost, and after three large bets on sports, Billy lost it all, cashing in bonds to cover them. Billy received a New York handicapping winners circle email and accepted to join the betting syndicate. Needing $500,000 cash, Billy embezzled the funds from Jabot. Billy lost 50 thousand dollars the first day. Phyllis realized that Billy was in over his head and joined the concerned board members/family with plans to oust Billy. Traci would take over Jabot and get rid of the clause, so Ashley could step in as CEO. They staged an intervention. Billy listened and walked out, saying he didn’t need their help, to leave him the hell alone. Phyllis and Jack agreed to each replace 250 thousand dollars if Billy would go to rehab, but he would pay them back. Phyllis promised to stand by Billy as she had Jack. Billy agreed, but they were blocked from transferring the money back in.

Billy proposed to Phyllis while waiting for Sharon to appear at her wedding to Nick. But during her vows, Sharon took off in a rant, exposing that she knew that Phyllis and Nick had recently slept together, and the marriage was off. Billy felt betrayed, and told Phyllis to get out of his house, get out of his life, packing her clothes and throwing them out the door. To get back at Phyllis, Billy slept with Summer, then after a week in rehab, Billy coldly told Summer it had been nothing but revenge, which created a strange bonding moment for Phyllis and Summer.

Jack called a board meeting after Kyle discovered that Andrew Lynford had been blackmailing Ashley, and she had been paying him off as Type A Consulting with company funds. Ashley introduced him as Dr. Andrew Lynford a consultant doing anti-aging anti-cancer research. But Phyllis recognized him as a former coworker from twenty-five years ago at DNS Labs in New York City, and she knew he was now in charge of the DNA lab at Genoa City Memorial. Jack offered Andrew double for the real reason Ashley was paying him. Ashley gave the answer for free, telling them all that Jack was really John Abbott’s son, how she had coached Dina, edited the clip in movie of Dina’s memoirs, and had paid Lynford to alter the DNA test results. Ashley had gotten her revenge for what Jack had done to her when he invoked the blood Abbott clause. She said had intended to tell Jack the truth as a Christmas present. Ashley was removed as CEO.

After a bad conversation with Ashley, Dina told Kyle that she had been a good mother to Ashley and there was proof of it at Jabot. Kyle took her to the CEO office that had also once been John’s. Dina located a wall safe that had been covered during remodeling, her birthdate being the combination. Inside was a document that John had drawn up assigning all patents, inventions, discoveries made by Ashley to her excluding all others in perpetuity. Knowing what this information could do to the company, Kyle tried to destroy it, but Dina pitched a fit, and Jack walked in. Once Jack saw the contract, he shredded it, ushering them out, saying it was best for the company. After Dina later related the tale to Traci, Traci found and reconstructed the shredded document. She called a family meeting and made Jack and Kyle tell Ashley what had happened that day. Ashley was both elated and furious with them. Jack tried to buy back the patents from Ashley, but she stood her ground requesting the CEO position in exchange. When that was rejected, Ashley decided to pack up her patents, move to Paris and start her own cosmetics company.

Jack, Billy and Phyllis all vied for CEO of Jabot, but Phyllis won the election due to the Abbotts splitting their votes, and by her hiring Kerry Johnson as lead chemist, whom both Abbotts had been trying to lure. Hoping to be named her COO, Kyle jumped in, coming up with cost analysis and ideas for Phyllis. But Phyllis named Lauren COO, and asked Billy to resume his former job in marketing.

Phyllis and Nick resumed their sexual relationship, so Billy enjoyed being seen by them with Sharon at the Jabotique launch party. Billy was resentful as Phyllis took full credit for their success. But after a word from Jack, Phyllis did the right thing and credited Billy with Jabotigues.

Billy was shocked when the truth came out and Victoria was arrested along with Sharon and Phyllis as accomplices to Nikki killing J.T. Nikki had claimed self-defense as he was attacking Victoria. Billy moved back to their house and took care of the kids while Victoria was in jail without bail. Phyllis made a deal to get off by turning on the rest of them as the prosecution’s star witness. Nick threw her out, and Billy joined the rest in their mutual distain for Phyllis. Billy, Jack and Kyle began plotting to overthrow Phyllis as CEO before her exploits would ruin the company.

All three women were found guilty and sentenced to prison. On their way to prison, Rey arranged for the women to escape and hide out at the Abbott cabin to trap J.T. after Nick had finally convinced Rey that J.T. was still alive. But J.T. knocked out the guards and held the three women with hands and feet zip-tied inside. J.T. ranted at them for trying to kill him and bury him alive, and began smashing things. He explained that he had been buried over a storm drain, his body had fallen in and sent out to the river. Writhing in pain, J.T. ruptured the fireplace gas line by wielding a poker. He passed out from the pain, and the women from the gas. Billy Abbott, Nick and Victor Newman rescued them. Christine upheld only the women’s obstruction charges, but revoked their sentences. Billy was at home with the kids to welcome Victoria, but she was there only long enough to pack and leave town saying she had to get away. Summer showed Billy a photo of Victoria partying with a rock band in Las Vegas, who went to Vegas and brought Victoria home. They reconciled, Billy proposed, but Victoria decided to live together instead, and held a commitment ceremony to celebrate.

Jack offered Kerry a lucrative contract to rat on Phyllis, who said she would think about it. Viewers saw Kerry send a text “All coming together. I have Jack & Phyllis right where we want them.” An envelope from the U.S. patent office addressed to Dominique Carroll was intercepted by Billy. Kerry claimed it was a new intern she had hired. Kerry texted “Received final paperwork we’re set.” Billy intercepted another one, opened it and discovered that Jack of Hearts had been licensed to Premiere Cosmetics. Then Phyllis received a letter stating that all patent requests by Jabot had been rejected. All Jabot board members received a text that a board meeting had been called. Ashley arrived and disclosed that she now owned all the new Jabot products and intended to take over and save Jabot. She introduced Kerry as Dominique whom Phyllis had not even bothered to check out, explaining that the real Kerry worked for Ashley in Paris. Ashley left them a contract good for 24 hours making Jabot a wholly owned subsidiary of her company, and offered to keep them all on. Phyllis wanted to sue Ashley, but admitted that Kerry had no non-compete clause in her contract. Held responsible, Phyllis was voted out as CEO and off board. Jack gave his case to become CEO. Lauren felt that Ashley’s deal was only option. Abby abstained and Billy’s became the deciding vote making Jack CEO. Lauren offered to buy back Jabot’s 49% stake in Fenmores. Jack refused, needing Fenmores as the only arm of the company making a profit, but promised they would talk if Lauren could come up with the money. Lauren agreed to let Phyllis partner in Fenmores, but Jack turned down her request for her severance package golden parachute. Ashley declined Jack’s offer that Ashley develop products, and let him run the business. They decided on a challenge where each would run their company and see who turns a profit or goes bankrupt. Jack swore he wouldn’t sell Jabot to her or anyone.

Jack, Billy, and Kyle met the next day making plans for the survival of Jabot, including making Jabot a complete package, clothing, shoes, and cosmetics as Jabot Collective. Summer joined them and she and Kyle were full of ideas about bloggers, social media, and giving them a box of samples let them pack online and report. They contacted Theo Vanderway, agent for social media influencer Nazanin, and Summer schmoozed them into working with Jabot. Phyllis talked Billy into financing her new accessories company venture.

Ashley came up with the same collective campaign after bugging the Abbott living room. Jack offered her four million dollars to give up her collective idea which she refused. But after the death of Neil Winters, Jack and Ashley reconciled in his honor, and Ashley tipped Jack to a foreign copycat site that was launching the same day as Jabot’s. But the launch was wildly successful, and Lauren talked Phyllis out of launching the copycat products. Phyllis crashed the party on the arm of Adam and wished them all to get exactly what they deserved.

Billy and Victoria held a recommitment ceremony to celebrate their reuniting and took another trip to Jamaica. Jack returned from Paris with Ashley and a deal to merge their two companies. Billy was not in favor of it, swearing to never trust Ashley again. Victor made Victoria CEO while he fought a rare blood disease.

The return of Adam triggered Billy’s grief over losing Delia again. Billy began being unable to sleep, making him irritable and forgetful, and having delusions that Delia was trying to contact him from the dead. He would find himself at the Chancellor mansion in the middle of the night, ripping off wallpaper in the living room revealing scrawled words in Delia’s handwriting and hearing her calling him to save her from Adam. He finally confided in Victoria and saw a therapist for it, but nothing seemed to help. Billy stole Hope’s handkerchief from Adam’s apt, which Chelsea had just given Adam. Adam received a text to meet on route 7 at the spot where Delia was killed, where Billy tried to run him down with a stolen car. Chloe jumped in front and pushed Adam out of the way, while Billy crashed the car into the guardrail. Adam took off, not knowing that either of them were involved. Kevin and Chloe hid Billy in the Chancellor boat house. They splinted Billy’s broken ankle and knocked him out with an injection when he came-to. When Chloe explained to Billy why they were hiding him out, he did not remember attempting to murder Adam. Chloe tried to convince Billy to get some help for his obsession. They sent a text to the Abbotts from Billy’s phone telling them not to worry about him, that he had gone back into rehab. Chloe brought Victoria to Billy and explained it all. It turned out that Billy was experiencing a dissociative fugue, becoming another person to do things he knew were wrong. Victoria saw Billy become that other person, a gum-chewing thug, but through her love, helped him fight off his demons. Billy and Victoria left together, and Billy began seeing a therapist who further helped him get rid of his alter-ego.

Jack stepped down from Jabot to find himself and write the Abbott memoirs with Traci, making Billy and Kyle Co-CEOs. Afterward, Jack returned, and Billy found his chance to quit the corporate world and find a better life with his kids and Victoria. But on the pretense of job-hunting or going to the gym, Billy began hanging out or gambling in a dive bar called The Empty Glass Lounge, to have drinks, play some cards, and escape all the well-meaning people whom he felt were expecting too much from him. He ran into attorney Amanda Sinclair there, who listened and seemed to understand how there was no pressure, no expectations, and he felt safe there. They hit it off and began texting each other and meeting there when they needed an escape, no romance, just friends who could be honest with each other. Amanda encouraged Billy to reach out to his wife Victoria, and explain how he felt, being known as a screw up with everyone who loved him trying to “fix” him. Billy tried to talk to Victoria, but she didn’t understand, and Billy ended up moving out on his family. He returned to the bar and tried to join a poker game, but they refused, reminding him that he had won big from them, and wouldn’t let him do that again. Billy became his gum-chewing belligerent other self, and ended up with a black eye, a spit lip, and in jail. Amanda made the charges go away and Billy paid the damages. Afterward Billy invited Amanda to join him standing on the wall of his balcony several stories high, and they screamed and celebrated his freedom and living on the edge as a way of life. Next, Billy raced his sportscar, slid on black ice and hit a tree, which Amanda had warned him not to do. Totally unphased, Billy would not let the medics check him out. Dr. Nate asked if it had occurred to him that he might have a problem, and opined that thrill-seeking was just another of Billy’s many addictions. Billy got a consulting job in mergers & acquisitions with Magruder International, Chicago.

Amanda found Ripley in her hotel room, (the guy she had been engaged to in Madison who had turned into a stalker). He apologized, wanting to get back together. Billy rescued her, and Ripley was taken to jail for violating the restraining order. But Amanda later didn’t press charges, and he promised to leave town. Billy attended the Newman 50th anniversary gala, Amanda followed, but left after she failed to convince him to leave. Viewers saw Ripley watching them in the darkness of the art installation tribute to Victor. While Victoria was also asking Billy to leave, Ripley bumped into her, and stabbed her. Viewers saw Ripley lock eyes with Amanda as he escaped, realizing he had stabbed the wrong person. Victoria sustained severe liver and lung injuries, and was put into a medically induced coma. Billy started secretly coming into Victoria’s room, and was there when she woke up, and told him to get away from her. Victoria moved to the ranch with the kids during her recovery, and convinced Victor to allow Billy to see their kids.

Ripley was later captured as he was driving back into Genoa City, his car loaded with weapons. Ripley pled guilty to attempted murder, and Amanda was relieved that she did not have to testify. A big storm passed through town just before dinner time, stranding Billy with Amanda at the Grand Phoenix hotel. With the kitchen shut down and elevators not working, Billy raided the vending machines. They went to Amanda’s room and divvied up the loot on Amanda’s bed. Billy stayed the night, sleeping on the couch, but when Amanda woke up screaming, he joined her in bed. Both slept well, room service brought them breakfast, Billy kissed her, and he left after both agreed they would still only be friends.

Chance was shot by a sniper when he jumped between Adam and a bullet taking it in the chest puncturing a lung, and was taken to the hospital. Elena operated, although in critical condition, Chance came through it well, but nearly died days later due to an infection. Billy was arrested for second degree intentional homicide after an earbud was found at the scene with his DNA and a broken down gun registered to Billy was found in a nearby dumpster. Amanda represented him and it was discovered that Alyssa had been the sniper who shot Chance while trying to kill Adam and had framed Billy.

Jill demanded Billy become head of the new Chancellor media division ChancComm to focus on print, digital, and apps, and to help Billy rebuild his life. Billy balked, but finally agreed after talking to Ashley. Jill surprised him by introducing him to his new partner, Lily Winters. Jill leased the former Dark Horse offices for them. Lily and Billy disagreed on a lot of things, but decided they were a good match. Billy and Lily convinced Traci to head the serialized online fiction department and Amanda to join them as inhouse legal counsel. They asked Theo to join ChancComm with promises of a digital magazine, gaming influencers, and a 24-hour news channel. Theo later went to them with a proposal, and they hired him. But he left after accepting inheritance of his grandmother's boutiques in Europe.

Billy broke the story “The Making of a Monster” about Adam’s past against everyone’s advice. Even Faith’s theft by Adam when she was a baby. How Genoa City and Kansas police were investigating him for murder. Although Adam’s lawsuit against ChanceComm was thrown out of court, Chelsie lost her business as a result.

It wasn’t long before the unlikely pair of Billy and Lily realized they had fallen in love. They went from making out in the office elevator to sex after their first date, and eventually moved in together. Billy decided to become a better man, even apologized to Summer for using her to get back at her mother.

Jill returned to Genoa City to pick up the pieces of ChanceCOMM after Billy had been duped by Victor and Adam into disgracing the business. Both Newman Media (Victor and Adam) and Newman-Locke (Victoria and her husband Ashland) were interested in buying it. Jill decided to step back as Chancellor Industries CEO and offered the job to Lily Winters with Jill as her mentor. Billy was offered a lessor position under Lily but refused, still only interested in getting even with Victor and Adam. But his love and respect for Lily helped him to see that he was back in the spiral again, gave up on revenge, and joined Lily at Chancellor as COO.

Jill suggested a merger between Chancellor and Hamilton-Winters and helped convince Devon to do it. Billy began doing podcasts under the name The Grinning Soul, aimed at helping people better themselves. Partnering then merging with Hamilton-Winters, Moses joined the team as his assistant. Devon made Nate his COO and renamed LP Streaming to Hamilton Streaming to honor his mother. Jill arrived in town to attend the launch party. Devon had Nate give a speech but warned him to just give an overview, not to tell any details of their plans. Not liking their strategy, Nate wanted to give details. So with Imani’s urging Nate plunged ahead and told of their podcast plans. Devon did not approve, but Lily and Billy agreed that it piqued the interest of their audience and made them hungry for more.

Victoria had gotten an annulment from charlatan Ashland Locke after realizing that he had conned her into falling in love with him and making him CoCEO of their merged companies Newman-Locke. But out of the blue, Victoria decided to walk away from the company and her family and reunite with Ashland. The family was in shock, and all of them begged her to reconsider. Victoria let them know that she still loved him, this was her chance to break free, and she and Ashland left for New York City where they started planning their new business and where to live there. Before leaving, Victoria told Billy, who refused to let their children live under the influence of Ashland.

Jill, in town for the Chancellor-Winters launch party, told Billy that she was impressed with his podcasts, betting he found them cathartic. She warned Billy that if he screwed things up with Lily she would never forgive him.

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